Keeping Roos in city limits


May 22, 2023
Does anyone know of anyway around not allowing roosters in city limits. I love all my chickens so much! I don’t want to have to get rid of my two suspected cockerels. 😢
How old are they? Probably just darling, in the darling stage. Do start thinking about options even if they are darling now, they often become annoying, irritating or mean. Cockerels can ruin the whole chicken thing in lots of ways.

Could wind up loosing all your birds if the rules say no roos.
How old are they? Probably just darling, in the darling stage. Do start thinking about options even if they are darling now, they often become annoying, irritating or mean. Cockerels can ruin the whole chicken thing in lots of ways.

Could wind up loosing all your birds if the rules say no roos.
They are almost 8 weeks, the two cockerels are my sweetest birds out of all of them, so it just breaks my heart.
Yes, they are in the darling stage. They come forward and act friendly. May want to be held. May fly up to meet you. Eat out of your hand. Enjoy this time period. They really are not friendly, they are brave. They have no fear or respect for you. They are not kittens or puppies, although they seem that way now.

When they are in this stage, if you are an inexperienced owner, you can hardly believe the stories of other peoples cockerels. THAT will never happen to my boys. But it will.

This forum is filled with posts where "the darling became the nightmare!" Somewhere around 12-16 weeks, the bird changed a LOT. They are no longer the bird that they once were, and they don't go back to that bird.

So - enjoy them, and start looking immediately for someone to take them.
Yes, they are in the darling stage. They come forward and act friendly. May want to be held. May fly up to meet you. Eat out of your hand. Enjoy this time period. They really are not friendly, they are brave. They have no fear or respect for you. They are not kittens or puppies, although they seem that way now.

When they are in this stage, if you are an inexperienced owner, you can hardly believe the stories of other peoples cockerels. THAT will never happen to my boys. But it will.

This forum is filled with posts where "the darling became the nightmare!" Somewhere around 12-16 weeks, the bird changed a LOT. They are no longer the bird that they once were, and they don't go back to that bird.

So - enjoy them, and start looking immediately for someone to take them.
I’m very inexperienced so I was holding onto a lot of hope lol. But thank you for the reply. I’m hoping to find someone that won’t eat them lol I got them for eggs and the experience, so I see them more as a pet than food.
Not every cockerel will be mean and handling doesn’t ruin all of them. I handled mine tons and he was a sweetheart even as an adult. Very friendly and loved being held. Not a mean bone in his body. Except to other roosters. 😬🤣 but to me he never once offered to attack or anything. And yes, he was still respectful and moved out of my way and everything. Mine were all pets too.
TheDawg - I too have raised some good ones. But I have also had rotten ones. The OP is not suppose to have them at all. I would hate for them to loose all the chickens.
Yeah I would hate for them to lose them all too, wasn’t saying they should keep them. Sorry for the confusion. I was just saying for anyone else reading that there are good ones too. Some people don’t realize. I’ve seen it a lot on the forum where new people or even some not as new people will think they’re all mean and be scared to own one. So yeah. Sorry :oops: I did have one that I thought was mean at first but he just hated a certain pair of shoes I had 🤣

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