keeping male coturnix quails together


In the Brooder
May 23, 2018
Hello all, I have heard that fights among quails happen when there are insufficient number of females for the males (for example 1:1 ratio of males and females). Males will fight among males to compete over the females, and females get stressed out because they are overworked by the males. What if I only have 2 separate enclosures away from each other, one with the right male to female ratio (1:4), and the other one with males only? Will the enclosure only with males fight?

I have kept 15-20 males in a 10 sqft cage up to 7 weeks of age with no problems. If you stick to the 1 sq ft rule I think you could keep them longer than that...
I keep males together in a growout pen, but they are headed for the freezer at that point. As they mature, they start to squabble and do boy bird stuff to each other. If things get too crazy, I butcher. In my experience, it doesn't work out long-term but let us know how it goes!
I've had males together long term and personalities do play into it but generally you can get a reasonably peaceful group living happily together. As Acre4Me said they will be noisier during spring and summer but as the breeding season passes they'll quiet down.
I have kept 15-20 males in a 10 sqft cage up to 7 weeks of age with no problems. If you stick to the 1 sq ft rule I think you could keep them longer than that...
What about after 7 weeks? I’ve noticed there are no fighting issues amongst male quails even with females in the same coop until they hit fertility. Then that’s when I notice the aggressiveness. But I’m wondering the same. I’d like to have a separate enclosure for my males to bring 1 in at a time to mate the females.
What about after 7 weeks? I’ve noticed there are no fighting issues amongst male quails even with females in the same coop until they hit fertility. Then that’s when I notice the aggressiveness. But I’m wondering the same. I’d like to have a separate enclosure for my males to bring 1 in at a time to mate the females.
I've never kept any longer than that. I either sell them or eat them by ~8 weeks. I'm not sure how well bringing 1 male at a time to breed the females will work. It's been my experience that introducing new/strange birds to other adult birds doesn't always work well. Birds that grew up together tend get along best.
My extra males go out into a bachelor growout until they are processing age. I rarely have issues with them. They are separated from everyone so they don't really crow much, and are pretty content playing in the dirt and hiding in the hides from each other.
I've never kept any longer than that. I either sell them or eat them by ~8 weeks. I'm not sure how well bringing 1 male at a time to breed the females will work. It's been my experience that introducing new/strange birds to other adult birds doesn't always work well. Birds that grew up together tend get along best.
Oh I’ve been breeding quail and chickens non stop for over a year now and have newbies all the time. They all get introduced.

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