Keeping and feeding geese


In the Brooder
May 22, 2021
Help I bought an adult Toulouse mating pair a week ago, how to I keep them in our yard and not leaving? With no grass what’s a good winter feed I can mix up myself to be everything they need? I have them moved to a temporary fenced in area that has netting on it to keep them in for the winter but would like to let them roam without them leaving. I know they are not happy they pace all day. Help I want them to be happy and healthy.


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I rescued a pair last December and after spring goslings now have 10!

Keeping them in the yard: Fencing. Puddles across the busy street are much more fun than anything you give them. Pound-in 2ft tall edging that hits them on the chest is enough to keep my Africans out of those puddles. Wire garden edging is too weak -- they walk right over it. Snow fencing and step-in stakes are your best instant, but ugly, solution. What you have looks good... except a gosling might squeeze through.

Feed: I just buy Purina waterfowl, so can't help there. They don't eat offered hay.

Edit: Most domesticated geese, including Toulose, can't fly.
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I also buy romaine lettuce to feed to my goose and other birds. They love their greens so in winter I try to give them romaine at least 1X a week along with their reg feed.
Those are beautiful Toulouse.
I rescued a pair last December and after spring goslings now have 10!

Keeping them in the yard: Fencing. Puddles across the busy street are much more fun than anything you give them. Pound-in 2ft tall edging that hits them on the chest is enough to keep my Africans out of those puddles. Wire garden edging is too weak -- they walk right over it. Snow fencing and step-in stakes are your best instant, but ugly, solution. What you have looks good... except a gosling might squeeze through.

Feed: I just buy Purina waterfowl, so can't help there. They don't eat offered hay.

Edit: Most domesticated geese, including Toulose, can't fly.
I had to move them they flew over the fence twice the male won’t go far th female decided she wanted to head to any open muddy field she was a chase. I made a shelter with two pallets and a dog house and straw with hay inside it with the front open. I’m seeing more and more they are not in the best shape the males top front break is gone that happened just over 24 hours of having them in a safe inclosed pen. The female has a white tip beak and has a limp. The males beak was deformed already. I have goose duck pellets all kinds of greens I give them every day. They seem to never lay down is that normal? They don’t make much noise only when they first see me other then that they just hiss a lot but are harmless
I'm sorry about the ganders bill being gone. Is he able to eat? giving him a deep bowl so he can scoop his feed can help. You could give them some Liquid B Complex[TSC] 1 ml for each goose in their drinking water or over a treat this can help with any leg issues that waterfowl can come up with. Also you might want to check the bottom of her feet for bumble foot this can cause them to limp.

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