Keeping a pet pigeon indoor?

If you tend to have allergy problems/sensitivities, I would not recommend doing so. Psittacosis is irreversible. I've known one person with this disease and he was completely debilitated. I always wore canister type filter masks when working around my birds and still developed a mild allergy.
I recently heard that cockatiels and cockatoos produce dust/dander. Will having those kinds of birds as indoor pets give my lung disease just like keeping one or two pigeons indoors?
Unless you already have a history of lung issues, it's unlikely that you'll catch any zoonotic diseases if you practice good animal husbandry and buy your animals from a trusted source.

All indoor birds are dusty and messy, but they can be enjoyable companions. The dust is very bad when they molt. Frequent vacuuming and an air purifier with a HEPA filter is beneficial to you both.

To be happy, pet pigeons should have just as much cage space as a large flashy exotic bird. So they're not usually someone's top choice for a pet.

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