Just to confirm


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
Generally they’d still be too young but I’m fairly certain these guys are roosters. I was hoping to keep them but I have too many so I plan to take them to a swap on Saturday… Macaron(blue) is still pretty young he’s just huge, Carrot(brown and white) is a week older then him. Waffle I plan to not keep simply because I’m not as attached to them and I already plan to keep Beef my other barred. I’m pretty sure you can only tell on Carrot and Macaron but I’ll attach the others just incase. They’re only a few weeks old Carrot being a week older than the others. Really hoping Muffin, Beef and Narwhal are pulllets… I’m keeping them until I’m 100% sure on their genders.

This post is mainly for Macaron, Waffle and Carrot since I plan on selling them in a couple days as straight runs but with at least having a bit of an idea on what they could be. Shark I don’t think I need to ask about I’m fairly certain she is a she


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Macaroni and carrot get my vote for cockerels not sure about the others.
Carrot acts so much like one, I forgot to mention that. He pecks me whenever I go to pick him or the pullets up (let’s go when he sees it’s me though) but it’s not a gentle bite, he full on grabs my skin quite hard, but he’s still a baby so it doesn’t hurt too much. He also has grabbed some of my pullets by the back of their head and just sat there then let go and walked away. My cockerels also seem to dislike him quite a lot.
Macaron doesn’t act like one at all very calm and mild mannered, but looks so much like one

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