Jungle Fowl

I am curious as to who or what this comment was directed towards. Of course I dont know the context, but it seems to me (as well as my wife looking over my shoulder) your insinuating that perphaps I dont know what I am referring to when I say I own Gallus Gallus9red jungle fowl? Perphaps you could elaborate on your comment, tactfully preferably.

Correct me if I am misguided but all the reading I have done suggest that junglefowl(gallus gallus in particular) are thought to be chickens ancestors so to speak. That these are kinda where chickens originated from. If thats true then it blows my mind that so many chicken breeds and colorations have been developed.
Development of domestic chicken likely involved a limited amount of interspecies hybridization with grey and possibly green jungle fowls to add a good number of alleles not already present in red jungle fowl. Additionally, the same genetic process that hampers fertility of hybrids can greatly speed development of novel gene combinations not found in any jungle fowl species. Thereafter mutation and selection for mutant allele / genes has been able to operate over many thousands of years to generate alleles that likely were not present in any of the founding jungle fowl species be they red, grey or green.
So your saying the chickens we know and loved today are basically genetic freaks? lol in laymens terms?
A good many yes. Almost all are something that can not persist with any pressure from predators and lots are not capable of surviving without serious human intervention, some of that intervention caused the formation of the freaks in first place.

The freak term is relative. If you wiped out all predators of chickens in the western hemisphere and then released chickens of any breed, regardless of how odd, I suspect that eventually compentent population(s) / species would develope over time that would not be called a populations of freaks. Lots of time needed.
I was surprised to see this under Ornamental Fowl. I wouldn't have found
this except I saw this under "New Posts."

Some one on ebay has been selling "Red Jungle Fowl" eggs for what
I would call a great price.
I would have bought some but it is still too hot for shipped eggs in my area IMO.
Yeah I cant wait for my roo to get older, he is starting to get some mild colorations, but nothing like when they are adults.
Best I have of a red jungle fowl x American game cockerel. Same bird in all pictures. Color developes late in the these guys. Note comb is not single.

As 6 week old juvenile still.


If you like them, go ahead and purchase them because they do look nice and has a good resemblance. The more pure rjf are not supposed to be laying that many eggs but if the seller has many many hens, then that could explain it. Also, they are not supposed be to laying at all at this point since their energy should be going to their feathers in their eclipse molt.

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