Joining the injured leg club - need advice

Pebbles heard the others outside and started speaking out loud. She seemed much steadier on that leg so I decided it would be okay to let her be out with them. Besides, it was a rare sunshiney day. I watched pretty closely. Benedict, the drake, was being a bit domineering, but Pebbles managed to keep up with them grazing around the yard even though she was limping heavily and sat or stood on one foot freequently. She has always been low in the pecking order. As evening came I began to question my decision. I brought her back in for another long epsom salts soak, and to stay inside. I'm concerned about her becoming the outcast of the group, since she tends to be a bit of a loner anyway and Beatrice and Benedict have definitly paird off. It sure is hard to know what to do. I have no previous experience with this kind of situation, and am not at all sure I know enough to make the best choices. I guess this is how you all learned so much and are able to help the rest of us catch up. I am thinking that tomorrow I might see if I can use some comfrey leaf around the leg and foot. I have lots growing here so will dig out the books and see how to apply it. Has anyone else tried this?
Pebbles heard the others outside and started speaking out loud. She seemed much steadier on that leg so I decided it would be okay to let her be out with them. Besides, it was a rare sunshiney day. I watched pretty closely. Benedict, the drake, was being a bit domineering, but Pebbles managed to keep up with them grazing around the yard even though she was limping heavily and sat or stood on one foot freequently. She has always been low in the pecking order. As evening came I began to question my decision. I brought her back in for another long epsom salts soak, and to stay inside. I'm concerned about her becoming the outcast of the group, since she tends to be a bit of a loner anyway and Beatrice and Benedict have definitly paird off. It sure is hard to know what to do. I have no previous experience with this kind of situation, and am not at all sure I know enough to make the best choices. I guess this is how you all learned so much and are able to help the rest of us catch up. I am thinking that tomorrow I might see if I can use some comfrey leaf around the leg and foot. I have lots growing here so will dig out the books and see how to apply it. Has anyone else tried this?
I have used salve I make from comfrey leaf*. It's easier to use the leaves if you have them now. They are very scratchy as you know, so I would smoosh them with a little dab of olive oil and wrap them around the foot, and hold it in place with a clean rag, maybe vet wrap.

You are very right - we learn by doing, and by sharing with each other. I have learned that ducks are individuals - what works with one, or one hundred, may not work with another.

Duck social structure is more sophisticated than I ever imagined - at least around here. It can be managed much of the time, but not always. I would put Pebbles' safety and welfare first. The social engineering takes some time.

*added: that's because I often need it in the winter months, so making an oil infusion, then adding beeswax for a salve is the best way I know of to preserve it, and it makes it more portable.
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Thank you so much, Amiga. I brought in some comfrey leaves and chomped them up in a miniture food processor I have and mixed in some sunflower oil. Being a Kafa, that is what I use in the kitchen and also after my own bath for skin care. I even found a small bit of vet wrap up in the medicine closet which someone had used on me or maybe a kitty. Again, working alone, and Pebbles not used to being handled, I remembered about doctoring my kitties, so wraped her in a towel which worked. I never thought I would see myself sitting in my easy chair rocking a duck wrapped up like a baby
She has kept it on all afternoon, but it is trying to come loose. If she gets it off, I think I'll give her a long swim in the tub, then put her in the other tub so I can get a shower myself. I now feel letting her go outside yesterday was too soon. Better to keep her from using that leg until it has a better healing.

I think I will cut a lot of that comfrey and dry it to have for winter. That way I can also make a tea if needed. I was wondering how long it would keep and when I reread you post I see you used beeswax. Michael Tierra also suggests adding gum benzoin or tincture of benzoin to salve (1 t to 1 qt salve) to preserve it. I see I have more shopping to do. Actually, just last week I started to collect a list from BYC for a duck medicine cabinet. Now I see how important that is.

Thanks so much.
Having some for tea sounds really good. I let a big handful wilt overnight, then soak it in warm olive oil in a double boiler, turn the heat off, wait again overnight, warm it up again, strain out the leaves, and a squirt of a 400 unit vitamin E capsule, and put it in a mason jar in the frij. Some of it I add beeswax to for a salve.

JoyAnna, sounds like you are doing very well by your duck.
They bring us on adventures we never could have imagined.
I let Pebbles join her friends outside today. What a confab! She was telling them all about her adventure, and Beatrice was responding loudly with all of them head bobbing. Benedict gave her a light peck (maybe it was a nudge) but didn't take it any further. She is still limping a little and tends to favor that leg a lot and rests often. She had gotten to the point inside that she was expressing her dissatisfaction quite loudly whenever she could hear my voice. I really wanted my bathtub back and now need to air out the house and do some major cleaning. I watched all day and she managed to go with the others all over the yard and foraged like it was going out of style. One of my cats was so curious about her being inside, and the other cat was miffed. All in all a good experience and I learned so much. I'll never know what did the most to get her walking again, but I like using the comfrey and will be getting the Benzoin so I can make the salve and keep it on hand. I wonder if coconut oil would work as well as beeswax. I sure appreciate all the help.
I let Pebbles join her friends outside today. What a confab! She was telling them all about her adventure, and Beatrice was responding loudly with all of them head bobbing. Benedict gave her a light peck (maybe it was a nudge) but didn't take it any further. She is still limping a little and tends to favor that leg a lot and rests often. She had gotten to the point inside that she was expressing her dissatisfaction quite loudly whenever she could hear my voice. I really wanted my bathtub back and now need to air out the house and do some major cleaning. I watched all day and she managed to go with the others all over the yard and foraged like it was going out of style. One of my cats was so curious about her being inside, and the other cat was miffed. All in all a good experience and I learned so much. I'll never know what did the most to get her walking again, but I like using the comfrey and will be getting the Benzoin so I can make the salve and keep it on hand. I wonder if coconut oil would work as well as beeswax. I sure appreciate all the help.
Now if you try the coconut oil let us know since I have some. I did order beeswax and should be here today. So happy to hear Pebbles can be outside with her friends again. Hopefully she'll take it easy for a few days. Might want to consider a gate at the bottom of your steps to keep them off. we have had to do that here. They can walk up the steps a lot easier than going down them I have seen. Do you think the Benzoin would work better than vit. E as a preservative? I was going to use Vit E.
I've been thinking about the coconut oil and doubt it would be as good as beeswax because it goes fluid as soon as you put it on your skin (I use it as a face lotion). For the salve I think it needs to remain thicker. I'm going to order the beeswax. Does Vit E act as a preservative? I only mentioned benzoin since that is what was recommended in my herb book, and I have to order that also. I sounds useful, as a wound treatment or even to help when there is a reaction to tape (for people). I'm making a wishlist on Amazon of various things to start building a duck pharmacy. Can't afford everything at once, but I see now you never know when you will need something (usually on the weekend as Amiga said once).

Pebbles is still limping quite a bit, but she keeps up with the others even though she does sit and rest quite a bit. She hasn't laid any for a couple of days, but she is also molting
Today, I actually saw some new feathers growing out on her wings. They have looked so terrible ever since I bought her out of those awful conditions.

Yes, I devised a bit of fencing that will stand up against the steps to the deck. This is tricky, because the kitties need to come and go, but works as a temporary solution. Someday, I want to have things arranged where I can fence them off from the small patio and deck area, but right now that is where their coop and pen is located while I'm having the trees cut. Someday, the rest of the trees will be felled so I can get their proper coop and run built with a sturdy wood fence across the front. Life sure can present challenging roadblocks and delays.
I've been thinking about the coconut oil and doubt it would be as good as beeswax because it goes fluid as soon as you put it on your skin (I use it as a face lotion). For the salve I think it needs to remain thicker. I'm going to order the beeswax. Does Vit E act as a preservative? I only mentioned benzoin since that is what was recommended in my herb book, and I have to order that also. I sounds useful, as a wound treatment or even to help when there is a reaction to tape (for people). I'm making a wishlist on Amazon of various things to start building a duck pharmacy. Can't afford everything at once, but I see now you never know when you will need something (usually on the weekend as Amiga said once).

Pebbles is still limping quite a bit, but she keeps up with the others even though she does sit and rest quite a bit. She hasn't laid any for a couple of days, but she is also molting
Today, I actually saw some new feathers growing out on her wings. They have looked so terrible ever since I bought her out of those awful conditions.

Yes, I devised a bit of fencing that will stand up against the steps to the deck. This is tricky, because the kitties need to come and go, but works as a temporary solution. Someday, I want to have things arranged where I can fence them off from the small patio and deck area, but right now that is where their coop and pen is located while I'm having the trees cut. Someday, the rest of the trees will be felled so I can get their proper coop and run built with a sturdy wood fence across the front. Life sure can present challenging roadblocks and delays.
I was thinking coconut oil would make it too runny also since it does turn liquid so fast. and yes vit E is the preservative. Amiga said just a squirt but if making a small jelly jar full as I am I think I'll use a whole capsule.

It has taken me quite a while to get my med chest where I feel good about having what I may need in an emergency, But it's always growing. Actually a lot of what I have can be used on my flock and my dh and I and our dogs so it works out good.

Pebbles must have a bad sprain, I think she may need to have a little more time to rest with it so she isn't running so much. But you know better than me if she does. I think we all have a work in progress when it comes to our flocks/housing and fencing it will get done but takes time and money for sure most important they are safe. I have had ducks going on 10 yrs now and finally got the fencing I wanted this past spring so yep it happens just takes time.
One last update on Pebbles. Yesterday I began to worry a little again as she was still limping noticeably. I started wondering if I had done enough, if maybe something was actually broken, and on and on. This morning she came straight out of the pen with the others without any delay. I watched her through the day and she walked with the usual duck waddle, but still often chose to sit down and rest while the others were moving around nearby. She would get up and follow them if they got too far from her. She still favors the foot/leg a little, but I feel she is managing it on her own. Just as encouragement to others, that took longer than I expected, but as you all say, ducks are quite resilient. Thanks for all the support and ideas.
One last update on Pebbles. Yesterday I began to worry a little again as she was still limping noticeably. I started wondering if I had done enough, if maybe something was actually broken, and on and on. This morning she came straight out of the pen with the others without any delay. I watched her through the day and she walked with the usual duck waddle, but still often chose to sit down and rest while the others were moving around nearby. She would get up and follow them if they got too far from her. She still favors the foot/leg a little, but I feel she is managing it on her own. Just as encouragement to others, that took longer than I expected, but as you all say, ducks are quite resilient. Thanks for all the support and ideas.
Good news.

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