Jersey Giant questions from beginner

Jan 25, 2023
Does anyone have Jersey Giants? I am trying to decide if I would want Australorps or Jersey Giants. I have a lot of tick and bug infested land so I want a chicken that will help purge the bug population. Free ranging is the primary goal, at least during the day, so they need to forage pretty well. Whole place is overgrown so food everywhere, including fields of wild berries.

This is in the Mid-west so hot and humid summers and cool, muddy winters with snow dropping by to freeze everything then melt in a week. Seems like any chicken will give me enough eggs so having them as meat birds seems more useful. The larger a chicken is the less work per lb it seems it would be to prep and cook it.

Can you keep them around for longer than maturity and the meat still be good? Are they any good at raising their own young or does it need major human intervention? Are they pretty healthy and do good without any vaxxes? Do hawks bug them much because I got at least 2 just flying around on a regular basis, pretty but not good for chickens.
We were in the same boat. We opted for Australorps. We actually live about 20 miles from Jobstown where they originated and they are readily available. Giants are heavy and are prone to leg injury off the roost, feed bill would be higher. Plus they may break the eggs if more than one hen is using the nest box or go broody. Not a deal breaker, just something to consider. The plus side of Australorps for me is they're a black bird that will compliment other solid color birds of similar size, Like the Rocks and Rhode Island Reds.
I just saw this post and wanted to add my experiences with Jersey Giants. Please note that I have breeder stock, not hatchery stock. There is a vast difference between the two.

I'm in the southeast so also have hot and humid summers. My birds have done well with plenty of shade and constant access to water. Winter would be more of a concern since JGs have large single combs that could become frostbitten.

My flock free ranges during the day. They are active foragers but I keep free choice layer pellets and flock crumbles in the coop for them.

Jersey Giants are going to grow slowly. I've eaten cockerels at 6-8 months before and I enjoyed the flavor and texture of the meat. At 6 months I was still able to have fried chicken that I liked. Your best bet would be to raise cockerels intended for meat away from hens.

Giants are rarely broody but the ones who do go broody are said to be good moms. I don't have any personal experience with a broody JG so I can't attest to that personally.

I have not had issues with hawks, but I didn't free range my Giants until they were 4-5 months old. The size is a good deterrent but free ranging is, always, a risk. I have plenty of cover for my birds so they're able to hide if they feel threatened.

The previous poster mentioned Jersey Giants getting injured jumping off roosts. This is a possibility and most serious breeders do not give their Giants a roost. I don't either, my birds sleep in groups on the coop floor. I use a thick layer of bedding and clean often.

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