Japanese Bantam Thread!

Ming Ming
Pretty useless thread.
What are they like as layers and brooders?

Oh they're the best of all layers. They each lay several jumbo eggs every day like many bantams do. Don't know why more people don't look to bantams to meet their egg laying needs. they lack your insight I suppose.
Quote: I've never had Jap bantams, but I can tell you that my Silkies lay pretty large eggs everyday. Right now, they're my only birds laying, and I have some of the best laying breeds.
Don't know why people say bantams are unpredictable layers, mine are good laying machines.
Can someone describe the Japanese personality to me? My absolute favorite breed is D'uccles, but I love bantams in general, and like trying them out!

Also, so what I am gathering is that they are pretty decent bantam layers? Do they lay through the winter generally? How often do they go broody?

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