Japanese Bantam Thread!

LOL, the bird silly! Obviously the one is a pullet, and she is standing in that pic. I was trying to get a nice one of her and her sibling, but they are such demons to get pics of. Never stop moving!

Wow-don't ever remember having been called silly. The white cockerel is a very poor Japanese Bantam. His legs are nuch too long. He has other issues as well but the leg length alone is enough to rule him out as a breeder or show bird.
So, just a pet then. Guess we'll stick with Blue Boy for show then. Thanks appreciate it. So figured his tail would be considered split as well, yes? I am going to learn these things, but its nice to have opinions especially from those more knowledgeable.
Do you guys have any SQ black tailed white chicks that you could sell me. I am hoping to start a small scale hatchery that focuses on Japanese bantems.
I have black jap roo with white/black tail hen... What am I going to end up with I also have a black jap hen with him to??
Did you mean Teriyaki?
I suppose I should have used a
or a
or some such.

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