I've read that Golden Comets have a relatively short lifespan - is this true of all sex-links or is there one that lives longer..


13 Years
Jun 8, 2010
San Francisco
In addition to my Easter Eggers (rooster and two hens) I have four Golden Comets (picked them because I needed 100 percent accurate to be a hen). For me, my chickens are all more like pets and the eggs are nice, but mainly I like them as pets (albeit a unique one <G>)>.

In previous posts you've likely seen that I've lost each of the three original EE's that I had, the most recent death was Mrs Pennyfeather, who died just one month short of being 11 years old.

So, understandably I was more than a bit dismayed by reading that Golden Comets live 3 to 5 years. Anybody out there have some GCs that lived a relatively longer life?

Are there any of the sex-links that have a muh longer lifespan, as compared to the Golden Comets. Again, I mainly like the nearly 100 percent accuracy of the gender predictions with GC's

Here's to hoping that my GC hens all outlive the lifespan estimates. I must say, after only having Easter Eggers (both currently and in the past) that these Golden Comets are VERY tame and kind of like little dogs in chicken suits. They are just very friendly and will perch on my legs when I'm outside sitting with them.
2 of our 8 chicks are golden comets. I read about the shorter life span AFTER we got them. I have the same question as you.
I do not know of any sex links that heritage wise lives longer. They are good layers, and I always like having a few in my flock. But mine have seldom made much past three years. I will say this, mine never suffer, they just die rather quickly. As in seems fine, and then dead.

However, I do not want real long lived birds. I like bringing in young chicks, and having a multi-generational flocks. I have never come close to an 11 year old bird. The birds that do get older, tend to get cranky and seem to be in pain. I don't like that.

Mrs K
I do not know of any sex links that heritage wise lives longer. They are good layers, and I always like having a few in my flock. But mine have seldom made much past three years. I will say this, mine never suffer, they just die rather quickly. As in seems fine, and then dead.

However, I do not want real long lived birds. I like bringing in young chicks, and having a multi-generational flocks. I have never come close to an 11 year old bird. The birds that do get older, tend to get cranky and seem to be in pain. I don't like that.

Mrs K
I guess everyone can have different experiences with their chickens because chickens are a little individuals with their own peculiarities and quirks. Mrs pennyfeather was sweet all the way through her life even through the end.
Then get them, and give them a good life. Don't feel guilty if that life is shorter than other birds, it is what it is. Have a mixed flock, some longer lived birds, and some good layers. As my granddaughter says when something dies, "Dang it...but now we can get chicks."

I never had golden comets before I have four of them it's like some of the people said I swear they're like little puppy dogs they're very very friendly they hop on my legs when I'm sitting in their run area. it's like with anything you just enjoy the time that you have with them. Who knows maybe I'll break a record :)
I have Cinnamon Queens which are almost the same breed. They started to die at 3 years of age. One went blind at 2 years. They free range the most and stay with Hamilton, my gentle roo. I know he is wondering what is up with his flock that has decreased by half the past year. I'm putting another flock together for him and just letting his ladies enjoy their lives.

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