Ive got a few !! Help me figure out if ive got roos or pullets !


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
So these are easter egger mix ... are they roos or pullets ! I would not ask .. but no crowing yet .. and i know there has to be a roo or two ..

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I'm saying the first one is a pullet and the other 3 are cockerels. The last bird is stunning, by the way.
Thats what I am thinking , but wanted others input .. but either way - I am totally smitten by the top one - black/white the personality is amazing ! And I was totally excited when I hatched these out back at the end of September ! For some reason .. I always have late crowers :/ . Granted if those are roos .. its gonna make it harder for me to choose which stays and which goes !
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Granted if those are roos .. its gonna make it harder for me to choose which stays and which goes !
With a roo you have to go on personality as well as looks. We have a roo now that is a great protector of the flock, but he's started attacking us and has to go. We have three cockerels to replace him and need to narrow it down to one or two. The biggest and most beautiful one is already starting to exhibit signs of being aggressive. The one with the best temperament, of course, is kind of boring looking. Fortunately they are all getting along so they get more time to just hang out and be kids.
With a roo you have to go on personality as well as looks. We have a roo now that is a great protector of the flock, but he's started attacking us and has to go. We have three cockerels to replace him and need to narrow it down to one or two. The biggest and most beautiful one is already starting to exhibit signs of being aggressive. The one with the best temperament, of course, is kind of boring looking. Fortunately they are all getting along so they get more time to just hang out and be kids.
Im having to get rid of an australorp for that same reason :(.. he was amazing until a few weeks ago .. And hes hitting the 9 month mark .. which makes it even worse because hes like family family now.
All roos. You can see the saddle feathers on all of them.

Boo .. I was hoping for atleast one pullet .. and I was so hoping the black/white with a great personality and no comb would have been a pullet ! Oh well .. guess I will need to hatch some more off this spring !

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