Its Tilling Day!!

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
This is a post from my blog, "The Kuntry Klucker". I thought that folks here would enjoy this.

Today is the day that the girls look forward to the most, tilling day. For those who don’t understand what all the excitement is about, allow me to explain. Tilling means two things, one the start of the next growing season and two, worms!! I am more excited about planting crops while the girls are more excited about the worms and bugs.


I have lots of help here on the Kuntry Klucker Farm. My hubby willingly tills the garden for me while the girls enthuiastically follow him gobbling up any worms and bugs that the tiller disturbed. Its a big deal here at the farm. Below I will chronical the events of the evening.


The tiller is awoken from its long winters slumber in the garden shed and brought to the backyard. Now most animals when they see something as scary looking as a tiller coming into the living quarters respond in sheer panic, the girls not so much. The girls (with 8 years now under their wings) know exactly the bounty that shortly awaits them when the tiller makes it annual apperance. They flock to the tiller following the user to the garden where they line up for the imminent buffet.


As the tiller turns the soil, worms and other delectables come to the surface which the girls delightfully gobble up. Now the rules of this chicken game is to be the one right behind the tiller. The hen that is closest to the tiller gets the worms first. Its a literal game of “the early bird gets the worm”. As you can probably suspect, there are squabbles for the first place in line behind the tiller, but that’s all part of the fun.


As the garden is further tilled the worms are more abundant so being the first hen in line does not matter as much. As the tiller makes its rounds around the garden, so do the girls. Instead of a line of hungry chickens, we then have circles of worm inspectors following the tiller. The human perspective of the excitement that the girls expereince is absolutely hilarious. We get as much joy out of watching them getting the worms as they do in getting the worms. Owning chickens is so much fun, this is just one of the delightful aspects that chickens bring to the backyard homestead.

Pea in the garden 2.JPG

When the tiller has done its job and is returned to its place in the garden shed, the girls still work for a while longer. They will continue to further till the soil for me for the next several l weeks. Once the last frost has passed it will be time to plant the crops and the growing season begins. The girls will continue to work in the garden all summer long patrolling the plants for bugs and turning the soil as they search for delicious worms to feast on.

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The Bantam Botique and TARDIS crew on the other hand are new to all of this excitement. This is the first experience with the tiller, this time last year they were still eggs not yet hatched. Enigma and the crew are not sure what to make of the tiller. But if life can teach a chicken anything its to love the worm god, AKA the tiller.

~ Thanks for reading ~
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Funny, I just dug up my compost pile in the chicken run which my girls have been judiciously turning for me over the last year. Absolutely beautiful black gold and as soon as that shovel hit the ground I was surrounded by 'the help' all clucking and cooing as the enormous worms were exposed for their delight. Always entertaining, gardening with chickens!
Funny, I just dug up my compost pile in the chicken run which my girls have been judiciously turning for me over the last year. Absolutely beautiful black gold and as soon as that shovel hit the ground I was surrounded by 'the help' all clucking and cooing as the enormous worms were exposed for their delight. Always entertaining, gardening with chickens!
I love my black gold pile too. My girls keep it turned for me. They are great little composters.

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