Itchy and aggressive day old chick.


In the Brooder
Mar 6, 2024
Just got 7 chicks, all a day old and they seemed fine for almost half a day in their brooder. But one started aggressively scratching her face and pecking really hard at the other chicks eyes. I looked to see if something was on her face or in her eyes but saw nothing.
I can't figure out what is bugging her. Does anyone know what could be wrong? The other chicks all are calm and doing normal things, but this one seems to be on a war path by actively going after the others.
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Can you post photos of your chick(s) and brooder set-up?

Check her eyes to make sure she doesn't have some fluff or debris that is sticking in the eye or bothering her.

Do check inside her beak just to be sure it's clear of debris or that she doesn't have something stuck in the beak or a hair on the tongue.

Chicks like the peck at shiny things and eyes are shiny...

You may find the article below helpful. I've drawn small dots on the brooder wall for chicks to focus at and peck or even stuck shiny tape to the walls to get their attention focused elsewhere. The pecking of eyes doesn't usually last but a few days, but it can be worrisome and if a peck is landed just right, of course the eyes can be damaged.
Thank you for the info. Im so worried cause she seems hell bent on just going after the others. The moment she gets near them she beeline straight to them to peck at their eyes.
Here is the setup I have for now till they get a little bigger. I took off the top to make it easier to see.
I originally had pine shavings after they got familiarized with their food but took it out after seeing the behavior as I thought maybe she had some in her eyes.
I did take a look at her under a light but she doesn't seem to have anything wrong. Sorry I only got one good photo of one side, she was very squirmy and upset. But both eyes look the same with no issue.
Thank you again for helping me


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Such a cutie!

LOL Yes, some chicks can be little stinkers running around trying to boss the others and peck at the eyes.

If she doesn't calm down, you can separate her out if necessary. Sometimes being behind a barrier and not getting to be with the others for a while works pretty well.
Thank you, I will try putting her in time out if she doesn't feel like playing nice after a while. I took your advice as well right after the photos and added in some bits of some nice bright tape on the walls that I already had. It sticks out very well against the dark walls so I hope they look at that instead.
I did notice she stopped scratching her head like before. So maybe she's done with whatever was upsetting her and just needs to calm down.

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