ISO Bantam Easter Eggers - NE Maryland Area - Buy or Trade


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
The North-Eastern Corner of Maryland
I'm looking for a few bantam Easter Eggers. Pullets would be great, but so would SR chicks or fertile eggs. I'm in the far north-eastern corner of MD, but can travel a bit. If someone is interested in a trade, I have a few Nankin Bantam chicks available and six started Asian pullets.
Hi! Are your Nankin chicks straight comb or Rose?
I raise rosies, but there is an occasional throwback in there, since I have one SC roo - it helps with the RC fertility issues! I currently have a gorgeous SC rooster available. He took "Best Bantam" at our County Fair, last year. A very pretty boy with a nice disposition!
Hi, Thanks for the response!
I’ve got 3 Roos, but they're all related. i need some fresh blood.
Can you post a photo?

This is an awful picture, mainly because Feisty was inside, helping me with the laundry! It's also from last summer, pre-frostbite on his comb. He's still got a really nice comb, but not as sharply pointed, now. I'll try to get a good picture of him, tomorrow. And yes, he's a friendly fellow. I've actually had him walking on a leash and harness!
Feisty Pictures. He got his name because, as a chick, he was fearless - always the first to come to people. At almost three, he's still social!

At last summer's Cecil County Fair, he won Best Bantam. According to the judge who placed him, he would have gone farther, except that she couldn't get him to set up the way he was supposed to ... he was much too interested in whatever she might have had hiding in her hand!


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