ISO Bantam Easter Egger fertile hatching eggs


6 Years
Feb 26, 2018
The North-Eastern Corner of Maryland
I'd like to add some color to my egg basket, but I have really tiny bantams (Nankins,) so I need other small bantams. Does anyone have or know where I can get Bantam Easter Egger hatching eggs? I'm not in a major hurry, so I can wait until warmer weather for shipping, but if I can find them within a reasonable distance of North-Eastern Maryland, I can pick them up anytime ... 'bators and brooders know no season!
Meyer Hatchery sells bantam EE chicks. You never know - you might be able to get them to sell you some eggs.
Thanks. I haven't had good luck with Meyers' shipping. Only one of my six survived (and cost me a fortune to treat!) and HE turned out to be a very poor quality Silkie. I haven't ruled Meyers out, but they're definitely my last resort.
I haven't bought from Meyer myself, but I was thinking about it for next spring. I pretty much stay with hatching eggs, though. Not feeling very confident about their shipping to me on the West Coast after hearing about your experience
I haven't bought from Meyer myself, but I was thinking about it for next spring. I pretty much stay with hatching eggs, though. Not feeling very confident about their shipping to me on the West Coast after hearing about your experience
I will say that I seem to be in the minority with reviews for them. Many people swear by them. I just got an unlucky human error. Someone didn't activate the heat pack properly, so they all arrived either dead or sick. It activated just fine for me ... after they'd arrived!

One lonely little fellow survived - Herman the House Rooster. He's a horrible example of a Silkie, too big, gray skin, too many hard feathers, almost non-existent beard and seriously sad crest ... but DD loves him, so it wasn't a total waste!

Mistakes happen, I can accept that, but the run-around I got from Meyers' Customer Service totally turned me off. I honestly think the only reason they refunded my money (including shipping, so I was happy) was to shut me up and make me go away! It worked. I'm seriously hesitant to try again.

TBH, I don't think I'd ever ship cross-country at all. With so many stops, there are too many chances for honest human error. I'm sure I'll find someone closer. come spring. I'm in no real hurry ... just hopeful!
While you did not have a great experience with us, I do hope you do consider us again in the future. We do not have the Easter Egger Bantams available again until 2020. I personally have some of our EE Bantams and one of them even lays a super neat colored blue egg. So while I do work for meyer, I certainly can attest to them as a customer as being pretty nice sweet docile birds with pretty eggs.
While you did not have a great experience with us, I do hope you do consider us again in the future. We do not have the Easter Egger Bantams available again until 2020. I personally have some of our EE Bantams and one of them even lays a super neat colored blue egg. So while I do work for meyer, I certainly can attest to them as a customer as being pretty nice sweet docile birds with pretty eggs.
Thank you, Manda. You are the first ... and ONLY ... person from Meyer who has ever responded in a positive, supportive manner - and I truly appreciate it! Mostly, I got pushed off onto others, who promptly either ignored me completely or passed the proverbial buck, once again. If I can't find any banty EE's come spring, I may reconsider, but I'd like to hatch my own, so I know what colored egg each came from. We'll have to wait and see.
Thanks again. That's the closest thing to an apology - or even commiseration, let alone remorse - anyone from Meyer has offered. You're a Good Egg!
Awww Thank you !

Good luck on finding some eggs. :) they are definitely a neat breed of bantam. I am someone who loves having an array of colors in my flock and also in my hands when I gather eggs. :)

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