Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Cat Running Around GIF

Busy for sure. 😊
I'm up to my eyeballs in babies
Two bottle lambs in the house and three more out in the pasture with at least one more to come
Triplet goat kids
A cow acting "labor-ish"
Another pregnant cow and goat who I'm not sure the due date of
Not to mention my own pregnancy

It has all been very, very good. But I miss you all like crazy. 💓
You are pregnant!? Congratulations! When are you due? 😍🥰❤️

ETA: Sorry. I should have read further. At least you do not have to go through the worst of the summer heat with the baby in your belly! I hear it is the worst going through summer when you are far along. 🥰
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Cat Running Around GIF

Busy for sure. 😊
I'm up to my eyeballs in babies
Two bottle lambs in the house and three more out in the pasture with at least one more to come
Triplet goat kids
A cow acting "labor-ish"
Another pregnant cow and goat who I'm not sure the due date of
Not to mention my own pregnancy

It has all been very, very good. But I miss you all like crazy. 💓
Isa!! Missed you lady. Sounds like fun (crazy) times! Congrats on the baby news 💖🥳

Oh guess what I did?!
Never heard of either one of these
The Traitors looks like it may be a game type show. There are good people, and there are traitors. No one knows the identity of the other players, and it is up to the traitors to be able to "kill off" the good people without being found out.

Mary & George is a historical drama based on the non-fiction novel The King's Assassin.
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