Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

I am trying to decide if I want to buy a handful of chicks, and have my life ended by raging family/chickens, or if I want to be content with the 9 chickens I already have.

Decisions, decisions... šŸ¤”
More feed needed and more time commitment. If those are both no problem, then ignore the whines from the fam.
she has 2 roosters. Just say it's "nature doing the nature thing"
Evolve Jurassic Park GIF
They are just so messy! At least I didn't see it with flakes. Their water has stayed good, there is that.
Yeah, filthy critters for sure.

I use a puppy pad under the goof ball pup's water bowl. It works great right there with the water bowl, but it sure doesn't keep him from dripping a trail from the water bowl for 10 feet or more.
Yeah, filthy critters for sure.

I use a puppy pad under the goof ball pup's water bowl. It works great right there with the water bowl, but it sure doesn't keep him from dripping a trail from the water bowl for 10 feet or more.
Mine was making a mess too and I learned that trick. Funny enough after I put a puppy pad down he either cleaned up his act or those things are incredible.
I haven't noticed it or anything around it wet and 2 weeks later it's a little dirty but still looks great besides that.
Mine was making a mess too and I learned that trick. Funny enough after I put a puppy pad down he either cleaned up his act or those things are incredible.
I haven't noticed it or anything around it wet and 2 weeks later it's a little dirty but still looks great besides that.
He has a quite a beard. It isn't as bad as long as I keep him trimmed up good around the mouth. So, I guess he can't help it, but I like to tell him it is all his fault, anyway.

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