Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

No. Credit where credit is due. Plus a reference.
fair enough.gif
Grow up and marry
It was a joke. I know, or was pretty sure anyway, you were not really hitting on @sdm111

Eat your chocolate. Do you like dark chocolate? They just had a segment on the tube news about how it is good for you. I like a lot. The only thing is from Dec through Vday they have those chocolate covered cherries, and they have dark chocolate ones. My problem with them is that once I eat one I am going to end up going through nearly a whole box in one night. And, I have some now.
So.. does this mean being obsessed with dark chocolate is healthy?
It did say in moderation like with everything. I think some everyday is even good for you as long as you limit it to like one normal size bar.

I usually get one of these big bars from the dollar store. Dollar General has one and it is good, but then Family Dollar has this other brand that says it is Premium (I don't know what makes one Premium and the other not) but it taste a lot better. They both cost 1$. One of those a day might be going past moderation maybe, Idk. I can usually limit myself to a half one, or go for days and not eat any at all. But, those d8mn chocolate covered cherries I just cannot control, and if they are in the house and I start on one then several more are going to follow.

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