Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Wait... So you are...

Umm... Wow. I cannot maths at all. 47 this year? Right? Holy cow, my brain is gone.
F words I am getting old.

Baby Whatever GIF
They are horrible on me.
I had never considered it before, like, 2 weeks ago. Then I said screw it and listed it as my alternative piercing if I could not get my Third Eye. She put her foot down and said no to my 1st choice, so I said "ok, then punch a hole in my nose". She promptly followed that up with ramming her pinkies up both nostrils to check my columella. 😂
Maybe it was a good thing she said no to the first choice.
Or maybe not :confused:
She was right though. I followed up her answer by trying to find someone who had the piercing a year later, and I could not find anyone. Their bodies had all rejected it. 😬 But the nose did not hurt except a very slight pinch, and it looks very cute, so I am happy with it. 🥰❤️

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