Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

fail merry go round GIF

Why is it only Tuesday...
It's not only Tuesday, it's......
Toadtastic Tuesday
Dang, has it been that long since Katrina?
Sho nuff

My wife and I evacuated to my sisters in a city called Chalmette then the morning f the storm I decided we were evacuating where we evacuated to. We later learned water was half way between the fascia and peak of the roof where we evacuated to. Good possibily we wouldn't be here if we had not left. Pretty surreal.
My brother and family were told to evacuate. They are south of the "cone" so I'm wondering if they evacuated more because of storm surge concerns. My grandpa's place (near where brother lives) flooded really bad one year back when I was in college.

Praying for safety for all!
Can't say for certain, but coastal and low areas (and trailers) were ordered out west of me.

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