Isa's Homestead Happenings and Hangout

Give me some credit. I mean I did put it on an appropriate page number 🙄
You did good
happy lilo and stitch GIF

The clowns on that Unit (DW excepted) once brought a George Forman Grill on a Sunday night and cooked steaks. (We worked night shift on adjacent Units.) Smelled great but they had people in there on ventilators! I said "Y'all are wrong for that."
Oh my, nurses on night shift will do all kinds of things with cooking equipment smh and just cause all kinds of problems. Sometimes it is just unbelievable what they will do when there is no one there watching 😂
So, hubby and I were upstairs earlier today, we are putting in a soaking tub. Son was downstairs, watching Tremors. And he came running upstairs like a bat out of hell. He was choking on a piece of chocolate! He was able to cough it up but he was pretty freaked. Thank God he knew to run upstairs to us. I've always told him to find us if he started choking and we weren't around, I'm so glad he was listening
Holy cow. Thank goodness! How terrifying!

I had to do the Heimlich on a student once who was joking on a grape. So scary!

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