Isabel Orpington-gender?


7 Years
Feb 21, 2012
Willamette Valley, Oregon

This is Izzy, she/he is 15 weeks old. She/he grew the comb out rather quickly, but then no growth in the comb and it appears pink most of the time. The rest of the chicks she/he is growing out with are bantams and South American Land Race crosses, so she/he is pretty HUGE by comparison. Flock mates are mostly cockerels, all of them have very red combs and some of them are crowing. I know the others are different sizes and breeds, but they are all I have to compare with at the moment.

I think she/he is in motion or there is a breeze in this one, so neck feathers look funny.

I keep going back and forth, so my daughter would appreciate it if someone with more knowledge and possibly some certainty(if you can have certainty at this age) would weigh in.

Thank you!
-can't tell with certainty (and the breed may make a difference) but this looks pretty much like my five pullets of a similar age. My two cockerels were distinguishable with certainty at about 7 - 8 weeks.
I'm guessing rooster - the hackle feathers look pointy-ish and shiny-ish.... Those male orps are a little slow on the draw to explore their male-ness.
Thanks all! I have been thinking more and more that Izzy is a cockerel. Guess Izzy is now short for Isidore rather than Isabelle. The feathers on the tail seem to be getting curvy, totally unlike my older Orpington girls. When I looked today I noticed that Izzy has a lot more green irridescent feathers in amongst his "Isabel" coloring. It is truly striking!

Definitely much slower on the boy-ness! The grey boy in the one pic with Izzy is ALL boy, he has been crowing for a couple months now and is the same age.
Hi, I'm a little late on this, but I have cockerals and pullets that look like this. did you get this coloring from a buff/lavender breeding? Thanks :)

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