Is Two Small Coops Sharing One Connected Run an Option for Adding More Chickens?


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2023
I'm new to the group and trying to figure things out to make sure I spend my money wisely. I'm thinking of starting off with four hens and I have currently have a coup that is 16 square feet with another 40 square feet in the attached run. If I want to add four more hens to the flock in the future, rather than buying/building a new larger coup to accommodate eight hens, can I add another 16 square foot coup and connect it to the same run (which I would double size)? Will they learn to split up on their own each evening or will this just lead to all of them attempting to roost in one coup?
I'm new to the group and trying to figure things out to make sure I spend my money wisely. I'm thinking of starting off with four hens and I have currently have a coup that is 16 square feet with another 40 square feet in the attached run. If I want to add four more hens to the flock in the future, rather than buying/building a new larger coup to accommodate eight hens, can I add another 16 square foot coup and connect it to the same run (which I would double size)? Will they learn to split up on their own each evening or will this just lead to all of them attempting to roost in one coup?
I have a thread basically asking this. I got some good advice on my thread. I will try to link it here. But I was told it was doable.

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