Is this habitat acceptable for a bunny?


Mar 11, 2023
Is this rabbit habitat example I found on Pinterest acceptable for keeping a bunny in?

I have never had luck getting a rabbit litter trained, so congrats to you! I'm sure that took a lot of work. And yes - that looks difficult to clean. It's too tall. I wonder if you could modify the plans so the trays slid out just in case. And yes - they can spray.

As far as it being humane, I used to have one smaller than that and housed two ferrets. Of course it was their sleeping spot and they ran around during the day.
Rabbits do much better with open floor space than they do multiple stories. While this can be used as a "home base" in addition to free roaming I would recommend an x-pen over this type of enclosure. Here are some examples.

Both are appropriate as they provide enough space for all the necessities and room for exercise. They both include hides, a large litter box, toys, fresh hay, and a food and water dish.
With bunny proofing and litter training you can also let your rabbit free roam in a safe space. It is recommended that you lwt your rabbit free roam for at least 4 hours a day to ensure that they are getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.

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