Is this a Rhode Island Red?


11 Years
Oct 5, 2011
Shoreline, Washington
We purchased a group of assorted brown egg layers and so far we have been able to figure out the breeds but this one still is confusing us. The first picture is the pullet in question. She is much much lighter than our other Rhode Island and looks much less mature despite having the same hatch date. Is her appearance just due to variation in the breed? She has also been the runt of the flock as well and lately has been spending more time inside the coop/away from the flock.

As a side note, our second hen has started to lay eggs, one of our Black Australorps. Our Red Star/Sex link started laying nearly a month ago and until now she was the only one (and she's only ever missed 1 day!).

My apologies for the poor picture quality, this was taken with my cell phone camera.


This is the same pullet next to our Rhode Island Red


Another image of the RIR

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Could be a New Hampshire or some kind of egg production hybrid (there are quite a few). Did the assortment tell you all the breeds that could of been included? Hope this helps, MW
Thanks for the fast reply! It's amazing how different she is from the other RIR. Hatchery quality meaning they generally accept a much wider variation?

In my area I am not sure where else to get chickens. The local feed stores and people listing on Craigslist seem to also order from the large scale hatcheries. We picked up 3 chicks at the feed store after we lost 3 we ordered despite our best efforts. After that experience I don't think we will ever be ordering online again.
I have a Production Red that could be her twin. I also have RIR's that are darker than that.
Yes they did, here is the list:

•Rhode Island Red
•New Hampshire Red
•Red Star
•Speckled Sussex
•Dark Cornish
•Light Brahma
•Buff Orpington
•Barred Plymouth Rock
•White Plymouth Rock
•Partridge Plymouth Rock
•Golden Laced Wyandotte
•Silver Laced Wyandotte
•Columbian Wyandotte
•Black Jersey Giant

Out of the possibilities I think it would be narrowed down to Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire Red because the Red Star/Sex link shouldn't have the black tail feathers. New Hampshire/Rhode Island Reds I don't know that I c ould even tell them apart if I wanted to. What threw me off was how light in color she is next to what I presume is another RIR.
Well hopefully there was a mix up and she is a production red! Our Red Star/Sex link fast became our favorite because she started laying at 18 weeks old and so far has laid 27/28 days, large eggs even from the beginning. We are hoping the others are as consistent and productive!

Edit: Is your production red similar in appearence at full maturity? It looks to me as if mine hasn't reached maturity yet compared to all our other birds despite being the same age.
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Well hopefully there was a mix up and she is a production red! Our Red Star/Sex link fast became our favorite because she started laying at 18 weeks old and so far has laid 27/28 days, large eggs even from the beginning. We are hoping the others are as consistent and productive!

Edit: Is your production red similar in appearence at full maturity? It looks to me as if mine hasn't reached maturity yet compared to all our other birds despite being the same age.

Actually, our Production Red is smaller & less mature looking than her same-aged flock mates, now that you mention it!! I have no idea about egg laying, it's anybody's guess as to who is laying. I'm at about 8 eggs/day & have 40+hens!! I'm pretty sure my 1yr olds are on strike!!

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