Is this a Partridge Cochin??


7 Years
Dec 29, 2012
My foster daughter inherited this cockerel from a school project when they hatched a bunch of eggs late last winter. I think it's a partridge cochin. Any thoughts??

This guy is very friendly (so far) and gets along good with my other cockerel (barred rock to the right in the picture).
I had another barred rock cockerel but I had to eat him. These two seem to be doing very well with the 28 girls they share company with. The barred rock successfully fended off two attempted hawk attacks (that I witnessed and am aware of) so he has earned his keep so far. I haven't seen the other one in action yet but I have seen him chasing the barred rock around the yard. Any thoughts on what this guy is are appreciated.
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Nice idea what kind you have there.

I've asked the moderator to move this post to the 'what breed is this' forum by clicking the red flag on your'll get an answer quickly there.
From what I can see in the photo, it looks like your rooster has a pea comb. That would mean he isn't a Cochin (which have single combs), but he could be some variety of Brahma or a Brahma mix. Whatever he is, he's beautiful!
Thank you all for the replies. As BantamLover21 said, he does have a pea comb........... so Brahma it is. Thanks again everyone!

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