Is this a meat spot?


In the Brooder
Aug 2, 2020
Every picture I have seen is smaller and definitely not pure black. Only one of my Cayuga's eggs was like this but I believe it was the first egg she's laid in a couple months. Just curious! Thanks!


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Every picture I have seen is smaller and definitely not pure black. Only one of my Cayuga's eggs was like this but I believe it was the first egg she's laid in a couple months. Just curious! Thanks!
Like some other people have suggested, my guess is blood. Do you still have it? You can try pulling it apart to see what it consists of.
I don't still have it, and I didn't even think to take dissect! This was a couple days ago and I was in a hurry to get dinner ready for the kiddos. Thanks everyone, I hope someone has more info for us!
Wow! My cayuga always left a tiny black spot on the yolk of her eggs, but I mean tiny. Super tiny. If I had to guess I would say it was that (whatever that is) but huge!

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