Is the Canker on my chicks


May 11, 2021
I have 2 chicks a buff Orpington and a California Grey both 6 weeks old the buff Orpington started the the spots first and then the California grey this week. I thought they were fowl pox at first but now I’m not sure. My buff Orpington chick has had it longer then my California grey but today I looked in my BO mouth and she has the white nasty crust in her mouth. But not my California grey. They were raised by my silkie hen and are with my flock as they took to them pretty well plus mom don’t let anyone by them. Is this Canker? Or can it be fowl pox? I don have fowl pox going through my flock right now. My mistake I bought 2 silkie pullets that had fowl pox and waited 2 weeks instead of three and started introducing through crate to my silkie flock. The babies were small enough to go in the crate with them. Some of my chickens have fowl pox and some haven’t got it yet.
If Canker how do I treat her and do I need to treat my flock?


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To me, it looks like Fowl Pox, but take a good whiff, if it's canker there should be a bad/fowl odor.

This article is helpful for treating Fowl Pox.
Phewww! Thank you so much! No there isn’t a smell at all in the mouth I was very up close and personal with the baby BO she feels so light but yet her crop is full everyday and she eats. The California grey mouth don’t have anything white in it just my Orpington. I have been giving them herbs and vitamins but this is my first time having to deal with this so I’ll definitely read the article you attached. Thank you so much!

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