Is Recycled paper ok for chick brooder box


Mar 9, 2023
Im just wondering is recycled paper okay for a chick brooder box? They are 5days old? Is there too much risk of them eating it? Where can i get pine shavings im finding it hard to source them?


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Im just wondering is recycled paper okay for a chick brooder box? They are 5days old? Is there too much risk of them eating it? Where can i get pine shavings im finding it hard to source them?
Based on the photo, I would expect it to be okay.

For many people, pine shavings are cheap and easy to get. I think that is why they are so popular as chick bedding. But there are many other things that can work well for chick bedding, probably including the recycled paper pellets in your photo.

I have brooded chicks on paper, shredded paper, dry leaves, straw, pine shavings, wood chips, sawdust, and I can't remember how many other things. Basically, if it is some kind of dry plant matter, it has a good chance of working for chick bedding. I prefer things that are available for free (like dry leaves at certain seasons of the year), so I have not used pine shavings very often, because I would always have to buy them. The chicks don't seem to care.

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