Is my "supposed to be" Whiting true green" an Easter Egger?

Feb 1, 2024
I have four Whiting true Greens (WTG) but we have no chickens that lay cream, and we get cream eggs every now and then. One of our "WTG's" looks almost exactly like this Easter Egger pic I found online:
We also aren't getting as many Green eggs as we should having four of those hens. Do you think she could be an Easter Egger? I also calculated that with the amount per year a WTG lays, we should be getting 3-4 each day.
If you read reviews on McMurry hatchery’s site about WTGs there are some people saying their birds did not lay green eggs. While I don’t know the genetics of these birds there is probably a chance that a certain percentage of them lay something other than green.
If you read reviews on McMurry hatchery’s site about WTGs there are some people saying their birds did not lay green eggs. While I don’t know the genetics of these birds there is probably a chance that a certain percentage of them lay something other than green.
Yes, I know we have one WTG that lays light brown. Where do you think the cream could be coming from though? We have WTG's Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Black Stars, White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Anconas, and a Golden Wyandotte.
Here is a fuzzy picture of our WTG in question: it's hard to see the details, but in a clearer picture you would be able to see.

Yes, I know we have one WTG that lays light brown. Where do you think the cream could be coming from though? We have WTG's Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Black Stars, White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Anconas, and a Golden Wyandotte.
I know that BR and Orps, and sometimes Wyandottes can lay cream colored eggs.

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