Is my phoenix hen broody??


7 Years
Feb 9, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I have silver phoenix hen that is making noises that broody hens make normally and the rooster wants to maid with her she sounds like it too she wont let the rooster maid with her except my silver phoenix roo but she is making noises but what gets me off guard is that she wont lay on her eggs she just makes the noise but she wont lay on them. I am confused is she or is she not broody? she already has like 24-26 eggs on her nest box but she wont sit on them im new to phoenix breeds so I don't know how many eggs do phoenix hens need to sit on to go broody help me please here is a pic of her before she started making those noises
If she's not sitting in the nesting box trying to hatch eggs the it's not likely she's broody no matter what noises she's making. And 24-26 eggs sounds like way to many for any chicken to hatch successfully.
when a hen is "broody", it means she is trying to hatch her babies. i have hens that get broody once a year. the sound they make is sort of a screaming growl when you get close to them. but, they also make that sound if they are laying or just calling to the other chickens. you might just be mistaken about her being broody. if she is, she will do anything to stay on her eggs (only getting up a couple times a day to dump and eat). if a hen has to lay an egg, she will not let the roo mate. if there are too many eggs in the way, she might not lay and it will make her grumpy.
24 - 26 is way to many eggs. She is probably not broody. A hen will usually hatch anywhere between 6 - 14 eggs. Most hens dont even get to 14 eggs. The noise they make is really weird. As chickenraiser95 said sort of a screaming growl. A broody hen also usually sits in her nest with her tail down. A broody hen will often times find a nest away from the other chickens. If she is making a noise after she lays the egg, that is not just a broody hen thing all hens do that. No hen likes being bothere while laying so she could make a weird nose, even if she is not broody. She does not sound broody to me but who know I could be wrong. You never know.
Good Luck,
when a hen is "broody", it means she is trying to hatch her babies. i have hens that get broody once a year. the sound they make is sort of a screaming growl when you get close to them. but, they also make that sound if they are laying or just calling to the other chickens. you might just be mistaken about her being broody. if she is, she will do anything to stay on her eggs (only getting up a couple times a day to dump and eat). if a hen has to lay an egg, she will not let the roo mate. if there are too many eggs in the way, she might not lay and it will make her grumpy.
Yeah your right. maybe she isn't so i am going to remove the eggs so she doesn't get grumpy thanks

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