Is my new neighbor doing something weird, or potentially something criminal with his roosters?

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I always thought about getting some too but didn't for the same reason. Our neighbors are pretty bad with being nosey, I'm surprised I've gotten no complaints about my birds yet.
I'm fortunate to be getting away with ducks. People are nosy here too. My duck coop isn't in direct view from the main road, there's an old shed beside it that blocks it from sight. Sometimes people drive down my back alley just to gawk and see what's in there.
I can only imagine if I had some of them mean fightin chickens 🤣
Okay, I'm confused. Your picture shows 2 game roosters and a laying hen. Is there actually another chicken even? None of those chickens are young, maybe what's left from a once larger flock?
Game roosters are used for fighting, that's just their temperament, and they would kill each other if left loose together. If the white girl is the only hen, she would be over bred and torn up by a horny rooster if left loose with one of them.
Tethered chickens aren't as unusual as you seem to think. I myself tether my stags during the summer days until I decide who to keep.
They aren't game chickens but if left in their bachelor pen during breeding season they would destroy each other's crests and tails.
My little group of 4-H kids would not like showing bald chickens...
I notified Animal Control ..... they have since said "the birds look healthy, and there's no evidence of fighting. We can't charge them until/unless they've actually fought the birds."
👆👆👇👇 These don't line up somehow. You don't know what Animal Control determined, but in your first post - it reads that they didn't find anything concerning.
Animal Control ...... I do not know what they have determined to be honest. My hope is that they said something to the neighbors about more humane care and called it a day.
It's quirky to have roosters instead of hens around here, but there could be any number of reasonable explanations for that choice. I guess?

I was honestly hoping someone here could tell me some plausible reasons for having multiple roosters in a small residential yard, when what little I can find online says specifically NOT to have multiple roosters in smaller areas because they WILL fight each other and it will inevitably end tragically for one of the roosters. ? There are tons of people with hens for eggs around these parts - really, tons - but I've never heard of anyone intentionally choosing several adult roosters on purpose before.
The people that could have best answered the question of why they are keeping roosters would have been the neighbors you called animal control on.

I can agree that it's probably noisy for you. Roosters do crow quite a bit.
Roosters that crow All Day Long are not dehydrated or underfed.

As for needing "plausible reasons" for having the roosters - you could have asked them.
I'm not sure why you need "reasons" for what your neighbor is doing on their property.
Why do they have to justify the roosters, what they are building or anything else to you?
I'm not trying to needle you or even argue. There's a few that have given some good enough reasons why one may want to keep more than 1 rooster.

I do hope you will be able to meet your neighbors and have a chat, I think it would clear up some of your questions.
Around here you see people who have dozens of little plywood a-frame coops/shelters, each with a single tethered game fowl. Once the back yard is full they start putting more in the front yard. It is the same set-up that they used for fighting birds in the old days. It's not illegal but usually make a rukus in the neighborhood. One guy went to the newspaper after counting how many rooster crows there were in a day. It was a crazy number; in the thousands.
Are you really posting pictures online of someone else’s chickens and yard? You are way way out of line. You should mind your own business or get a hobby so you’ll have less time to worry about what other people are doing.
Wow really! Having concern for poorly kept roosters is their business and should be yours too!
Humans are the only thing animals have to speak up for them if neglect and abuse are present!
Sadly a lot of heartless comments.
Good for you for having a heart and concern for the animals. Don't stop!
Cock fighting is as disgusting as dog fighting. Anyone involved or watching should be, well, I won't say, probably against rules, but air would be hard to come by for them.
If these people are not fighting them, which would be surprising, who has one hen to three roosters, then they still need to be watch to be sure they do better by the animals.
Sadly a lot of heartless comments.
Good for you for having a heart and concern for the animals. Don't stop!
Cock fighting is as disgusting as dog fighting. Anyone involved or watching should be, well, I won't say, probably against rules, but air would be hard to come by for them.
If these people are not fighting them, which would be surprising, who has one hen to three roosters, then they still need to be watch to be sure they do better by the animals.
So even though animal control deemed the animals in good shape, and a shelter is being built for them, the OP should continue to impose her own limited view of animal husbandry on her neighbors?

Not every animal needs saving, and not every one with three roosters is running a fighting ring.
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