Is my naked neck a rooster or a hen?


In the Brooder
Mar 31, 2016
Western Australia
Beans here is 6 months old. Though he/she was a girl this whole time untill this morning when he/she started to make a loud crowing noise.




We brought 4 baby chickens (mixed breeds) the same time this guy was purchased, two of those we soon found out we're clearly roosters, they started crowing at roughly 3months old and were re homed a long time ago. So this crow like noise this morning came as a very big suprise!!

Is it normal for naked neck chickens to crow so late? And do they sound different from other breeds of chickens?

I'm still new to the chicken game so any advice would be greatly appreciated :)
Yep, she is definitely a hen, not a roo. Sometimes a dominant hen will give a little "Cockadoodle doo" every now and then, notta worry. :)
My girls are a cherpy bunch but I have never heard any of them make a noise like that before! It wasnt as traditional of a sound as other roosters we've experience in the past but was loud enough to wake us up (coop is not close to our bedroom) and when we went out there she was up on a stool 'crowing' and acting very rooster like haha that's what got me second guessing myself!
My Ponyo who is a hen approaching 7 months of age has not yet laid an egg, but has now started crowing. It’s weird. Has yours laid eggs and does she still crow?


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