Is my goose's neck weird (pics) oris this normal Help!!! ):


9 Years
Sep 12, 2010
Southeast MO
One of my geese has a weird neck. It didnt look like this a day ago, but now its just weird looking. Maybe its just me, but is this normal or did he hrut it.
They are hctchery african geese so they dont look the way real african geese look, they look more like a brown chinese, do chinese geese have necks like his?

here he is help is his neck ok



this is what he used to look like

help me thanks
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.....not that i could help but, theres no difference in the before and last after pictures...

yes yes i know the pics are different NOW, i posted to help out, because originally the last 2 pics were the same!
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there is a difference in the before and last after pictures, befor his neck was straight and thick and now it is bent in like a weird v way and is thin Maybe im just seeing things but i see him every day and there is def. a difference in his neck than what it used to be
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Opinion only, I have little to almost no experience but it looks like a slipped disk. Can’t be broken or he/she wouldn’t be walking. Hope someone with experience comes along and knows what it is.
All I can say is that it doesn't look normal. Hopefully, he is eating and drinking OK. Is he out in an open area where a lot of people have access to him, or is he only in your yard?
It does look weird. Does he move his neck as usual, or does it seem stiff? Can he preen himself? Can he eat, drink, bathe, swim, run, flap his wings normally? Does he carry his neck that way all the time or is it only once in a while?

If everything else seems alright and normal, and the goose is happy as always, I'm guessing maybe he got stung or bruised by something, and he has a small swelling from that.
Thanks for all your post. I knew he neck was weird looking. He lives in my yard but i live a mile away from anyone, so people do not have a lot of access to him, he preens himself, he eats, drinks, bathes, swims, runs, flaps his wings normally. he dose carry his neck that way all the time. i think it could be a slipped disked maybe?
I have High tensile fencing for my horses and my cows, do you think if he ran into it when he was running it could cuase one of his disks in his neck to slip?

do you think if he ran in to the fenc when running could it cuase his neck to be messed up like it is?

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