Is my ducks eye ok?!

May 6, 2022
Hello, recently I was free ranging my ducks when one of my ducks Dynasty came across a bug. Turns out the bug was a two striped walking stick bug and they have a toxic spray which they use to spray in predators eyes and that spray can cause temporary blindness for up to a week. After he came across the bug he came back running to his kidde pool and washed his face off for about 1 minute. This was at 7pm yesterday and I did my research last night and found out about the toxic spray that bug posses. The next morning I went out and grabbed my duck and ran a few eye test on him such as
1.Shining a light in his eye(which his pupils shrunk)
2.Puting food directly in front of him and waving it back and fourth(which he followed and ate)
3.Sneaking up with no sound and scaring him(which he jumped a little)
4.Looking at birds of prey flying above (which he looked at and watched)
All of these test he passed successfully, his eye also looks normal, and he was acting normal. I think when he got the poison in his eye he washed it put before any damage could be done. So, am I being worried for nothing?
Thanks for the positive and helpful answers, and now I can finally rest knowing that my ducks eye will be ok. The I last saw my ducks it was this morning and I had to leave them with my mom since I am out of town. According to my mom they are acting normal such as eating, drinks, foraging, swimming, and playing. So nothing to worry about 😄. As for the next time I see a two-striped walking stick bug I will kill it so it can't spray me, my ducks, or my neighbors (who have little kids). Thanks once again.


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