Is my duck Egg bound or something else?!?


Oct 27, 2022
Hello so I have 4 pet ducks and one of them named Ginger is 3yrs old. And she has been egg bound before but this time she has stoped eating her regular food, is slow and has lost weight. She will still occasionally eat corn/mealworms. And I thought it was just egg bound, but she has been like this for almost two weeks now, which made me think it could be something else. Three days ago she kept falling over, and yesterday she stopping walking completely. She can walk a little after she rests but after walking for a while she falls down and struggles to try and get up. Yesterday we got a calcium supplement that we have given her twice now and she is still sick. I don’t know what I should do next :(.


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Hello so I have 4 pet ducks and one of them named Ginger is 3yrs old. And she has been egg bound before but this time she has stoped eating her regular food, is slow and has lost weight. She will still occasionally eat corn/mealworms. And I thought it was just egg bound, but she has been like this for almost two weeks now, which made me think it could be something else. Three days ago she kept falling over, and yesterday she stopping walking completely. She can walk a little after she rests but after walking for a while she falls down and struggles to try and get up. Yesterday we got a calcium supplement that we have given her twice now and she is still sick. I don’t know what I should do next :(.
Im so sorry to hear that! Let's narrow down the potential causes...
So you didnt attempt to treat her for 2 weeks? You treated her the first time yesterday?
What led you to believe she was egg bound?

Some questions to get a better idea of the situation:
What calcium supplement did you give her, Calcium gluconate? If so how much? Does her crop feel empty?
What does her poop look like?

Is she going through a moult? Ducks will stop laying, or reduce their laying, during their moult. It could be something else, if she is, or just finished, moulting.

Also, does her abdomen look or feel swollen?
And is a vet a possibility?
Hello so I have 4 pet ducks and one of them named Ginger is 3yrs old. And she has been egg bound before but this time she has stoped eating her regular food, is slow and has lost weight. She will still occasionally eat corn/mealworms. And I thought it was just egg bound, but she has been like this for almost two weeks now, which made me think it could be something else. Three days ago she kept falling over, and yesterday she stopping walking completely. She can walk a little after she rests but after walking for a while she falls down and struggles to try and get up. Yesterday we got a calcium supplement that we have given her twice now and she is still sick. I don’t know what I should do next :(.
I know it seems a lot of questions, but its important we know the full context...
I also forgot to ask, what feed is she on? If she's having walking difficulty, you may want to try supplementing niacin, through durvet B complex (1ml daily over a treat) if you can get some.
Well so when she first started being like this 2 weeks ago we got CORID because she was like this last year and that helped her. But that didn’t work this time. And her health continued to drop. So we did more research and it said it was because a lack of vitamins. And where there pen is does not get a lot of sun, so we figured it was lack of vitamin D and calcium. We gave her Natures bounty Calcium. And Nature Made vitamin D. We have been doing baths for a while now and we squeezed the vitamin d in the bath water because she would drink it. The calcium pills are 1000 IU or 1200 mg. And I read that ducks should only have 200 IU of calcium so I just squeezed a little out and tried to feed it to her with cracked corn. yes her crop is pretty empty. Her poo has been a egg white consistency, and looks like it too with a little brown and maybe green poo in it. No she hasn’t mounted recently. Near her butt is a little swollen. And when we would bathe her I would message her and on the right side of her I could feel something that felt egg like but I wasn’t positive, and thought I could be an organ that was swelled? And when ever I felt close to her butt she would flinch, like maybe it was painful so I would stop. So for all the years that my ducks have been adults I have fed them chicken layer feed because I had always heard it was ok to, but the other day I read a little tag on the the package and it says to only feed it when there laying. So I wasn’t sure how big of a problem this is. And the brand is Dumor. we put “fresh egg daily” Brewers yeast with garlic. In there food And that has niacin in it. But because she hasn’t been eating the feed we put it in her water along with apple cider vinegar because I heard that helps with calcium absorption And the niacin has helped when some of her sisters were lame in the past. What is durvet B complex? I’ll send a pic of what she looks like now. 488EC69B-B276-4AB7-8519-1391449A762F.jpeg 037E4172-8E73-49CE-8B24-5A45E8DD5243.jpeg
Well so when she first started being like this 2 weeks ago we got CORID because she was like this last year and that helped her. But that didn’t work this time. And her health continued to drop. So we did more research and it said it was because a lack of vitamins. And where there pen is does not get a lot of sun, so we figured it was lack of vitamin D and calcium. We gave her Natures bounty Calcium. And Nature Made vitamin D. We have been doing baths for a while now and we squeezed the vitamin d in the bath water because she would drink it. The calcium pills are 1000 IU or 1200 mg. And I read that ducks should only have 200 IU of calcium so I just squeezed a little out and tried to feed it to her with cracked corn. yes her crop is pretty empty. Her poo has been a egg white consistency, and looks like it too with a little brown and maybe green poo in it. No she hasn’t mounted recently. Near her butt is a little swollen. And when we would bathe her I would message her and on the right side of her I could feel something that felt egg like but I wasn’t positive, and thought I could be an organ that was swelled? And when ever I felt close to her butt she would flinch, like maybe it was painful so I would stop. So for all the years that my ducks have been adults I have fed them chicken layer feed because I had always heard it was ok to, but the other day I read a little tag on the the package and it says to only feed it when there laying. So I wasn’t sure how big of a problem this is. And the brand is Dumor. we put “fresh egg daily” Brewers yeast with garlic. In there food And that has niacin in it. But because she hasn’t been eating the feed we put it in her water along with apple cider vinegar because I heard that helps with calcium absorption And the niacin has helped when some of her sisters were lame in the past. What is durvet B complex? I’ll send a pic of what she looks like now. View attachment 3304149View attachment 3304150
I'm not too sure about this. I'm going to @ a few other members as I'm a bit busy this evening too, but want you to get good advice asap.

@New duck mommy 2021 @Miss Lydia @Quatie
Well so when she first started being like this 2 weeks ago we got CORID because she was like this last year and that helped her. But that didn’t work this time. And her health continued to drop. So we did more research and it said it was because a lack of vitamins. And where there pen is does not get a lot of sun, so we figured it was lack of vitamin D and calcium. We gave her Natures bounty Calcium. And Nature Made vitamin D. We have been doing baths for a while now and we squeezed the vitamin d in the bath water because she would drink it. The calcium pills are 1000 IU or 1200 mg. And I read that ducks should only have 200 IU of calcium so I just squeezed a little out and tried to feed it to her with cracked corn. yes her crop is pretty empty. Her poo has been a egg white consistency, and looks like it too with a little brown and maybe green poo in it. No she hasn’t mounted recently. Near her butt is a little swollen. And when we would bathe her I would message her and on the right side of her I could feel something that felt egg like but I wasn’t positive, and thought I could be an organ that was swelled? And when ever I felt close to her butt she would flinch, like maybe it was painful so I would stop. So for all the years that my ducks have been adults I have fed them chicken layer feed because I had always heard it was ok to, but the other day I read a little tag on the the package and it says to only feed it when there laying. So I wasn’t sure how big of a problem this is. And the brand is Dumor. we put “fresh egg daily” Brewers yeast with garlic. In there food And that has niacin in it. But because she hasn’t been eating the feed we put it in her water along with apple cider vinegar because I heard that helps with calcium absorption And the niacin has helped when some of her sisters were lame in the past. What is durvet B complex? I’ll send a pic of what she looks like now. View attachment 3304149View attachment 3304150
oh, also, could you get a photo of her poop? I think we should consider worms, and reproductive problems here. But we'll see what the experts have to say and hopefully we can get this figured out asap.
In the meantime, if you can get her to eat something healthy, such as scrambled eggs, or try wetting her feed- that may help her keep her strength up.
Ok got it. Thank youuu for the help you gave, you were very helpful!! Ok I’ll try to get a pic. And I’ll make scrambled egg for her and see if she will eat it. If she doesn’t is corn a healthy thing to give her?
So I tried to give her the scrambled eggs but she did not like them. And she didn’t eat the feed in the water either. Is there something else you think would be good to feed her? Also I got a pic of the poo. I wasn’t sure if the darker stuff was dirt because she was digging earlier or if it was blood?!? What do you think? 0EB0645B-59E2-45CB-AD06-BB28BB8B9D58.jpeg F991E88E-2629-447D-88D7-812AC8125229.jpeg
Do you have any antibiotics? if so what?

Cracked corn is not a wholesome diet it is carbohydrates so it
isn't a well-rounded diet in the long term. Did you try making her a soupy mash with feed and warm water? try just a small amount to see if she'll eat it. When I make a mash for my birds I add some ACV to keep the feed fresh and keeps it from growing mold.
Here is info on niacin deficiency with info on liquid B complex
She may have a reproductive problem, infection of some kind so might be a good idea to try an antibiotic. And of course if a vet is an option then go that route.
I'm sorry I couldn't help more.
Do you have any antibiotics? if so what?

Cracked corn is not a wholesome diet it is carbohydrates so it
isn't a well-rounded diet in the long term. Did you try making her a soupy mash with feed and warm water? try just a small amount to see if she'll eat it. When I make a mash for my birds I add some ACV to keep the feed fresh and keeps it from growing mold.
Here is info on niacin deficiency with info on liquid B complex
She may have a reproductive problem, infection of some kind so might be a good idea to try an antibiotic. And of course if a vet is an option then go that route.
I'm sorry I couldn't help more.
Yes we have Rooster booster Liquid B-12 plus vitamin k is that the same thing your talking about? . And we have “Durvet Duramycin 72-200. Antibiotic” we started giving her the B-12 today and we’re planning on getting a syringe with measuring on it tomorrow for the Durvet. Oh okay, yes I tried making a mash for them but it didn’t use warm water it was cold she didn’t eat that :(. Ookay well Thankyou for your help!! I guess I’ll try to look up some vets😣.

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