Is it too late to put eggs under my broody hen?

Do you think that if I were to make up another nesting box and put it into the laundry to remove her from the others, that would be ok? I'm not keen on putting her in the house because my kids wouldn't leave her alone.

Do they continue to lay eggs while they are sitting on fertile eggs? :

When my black Japanese bantam went broody I found her on a shelf in an outbuilding with a few eggs under her, not all hers if any. I moved her a couple of times finally ending up in the living room in a rubbermaid tub with a pop hole cut in the end. Somewhere along the first week or so I added eggs which turned out to be a mistake. The first one hatched on 12/23, then the second on 12/24 then 3 more on 12/25. I was able to keep her on the nest for another day or 2 then she just would not sit on the rest of the eggs. She has turned out to be an excellent mother except for trying to encourage the babies to fly too high. One had a problem with its feet and found it dead one morning when a few days old. The others are doing very well.

When you kept her inside in the rubbermaid tub, did you just take her outside once a day for a poo? Did you move her out to a pen with her chicks once they hatched? Thanks.​
plastic storage tubs that range anywhere from a shoebox size, to a 50 gallon tub. we used the 50 gallon for a brooder, and it worked out great. the only thing i would watch out for with the rubbermaid is watch where you put the heat of our's side melted because the lamp's light was more on the side than the chicks...we almost lost a chick too
but its all good now :)
plastic storage tubs that range anywhere from a shoebox size, to a 50 gallon tub. we used the 50 gallon for a brooder, and it worked out great. the only thing i would watch out for with the rubbermaid is watch where you put the heat of our's side melted because the lamp's light was more on the side than the chicks...we almost lost a chick too
but its all good now :)

Great! I have heaps of them around here. Thanks.

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