Is it possible to train chickens to go into a tractor or am I dreaming?


Feb 11, 2021
My chickens have always free-ranged but I've lost one too many to predators (the last, a coyote, is still at large). So, I bought a very large chicken tractor to put them in during the day. Their coop where they spend the nights is very predator-proof in a shady part of the yard, but we have only a very small area of green grass on another part of the property where they used to spend most of their time while free ranging.

I intend to put the tractor on the grass most of the time but the problem is, it is quite a long way from their coop and I don't love the idea of carrying nine chickens to the tractor individually every day and then carrying nine of them back again at night. I used to have them all trained to come in at night by tossing a few treats into the coop but I don't think this would work for letting them out in the day, since they'll probably just immediately run off in all directions. Any advice on how to easily get them into the tractor or is this a bit too much like herding cats?
So you want to let them out of the coop and have them go to the tractor on their own accord and lock them up in there during the day? Then reverse at night….open the tractor and have them run to the coop?

TBH, this sounds impossible. Not trying to be a downer so if it can be done I’m positive someone here will know the way. I just don’t. I‘ve let my chickens out of the coop to free range and they did exactly as you say - took off in all directions. But the good news is…they never left the yard, and they came back in to the coop at night. So…they do have the ability to be “trained”. I’m just not sure how this would be done. But I’ll be following. Good luck!
Maybe use a "chunnel".. a chicken tunnel.

They still need to access their lay boxes don't they?

I'd personally just attach the tractor to the coop and bring enrichment like clipped grass, fodder, etc.
I usually let them out in the afternoons ... they don't tend to lay at that time of the day but I suppose it's possible they'd need to access their boxes occasionally. I guess I didn't think that one all the way through. Sadly, when we built our coop we were planning to just free range them and not really add too many chickens to the flock, so we didn't plan for adding on. There's a rabbit barn to the left and a shed to the right, a garage directly in front and an oak grove behind. So no room to put the tractor adjacent to the coop, but I could build a "chunnel" (LOL) to a spot that's a little closer, it has shade but it's not irrigated. It would be easy enough to get water out to that spot though.

I admit that my motivation for wanting them in the front yard is because that's where I like to sit for an hour or two in the evenings, and I love to listen to them scratch around and make chicken noises. But I guess that's kinda low on the list of priorities.
So you want to let them out of the coop and have them go to the tractor on their own accord and lock them up in there during the day? Then reverse at night….open the tractor and have them run to the coop?

TBH, this sounds impossible. Not trying to be a downer so if it can be done I’m positive someone here will know the way. I just don’t. I‘ve let my chickens out of the coop to free range and they did exactly as you say - took off in all directions. But the good news is…they never left the yard, and they came back in to the coop at night. So…they do have the ability to be “trained”. I’m just not sure how this would be done. But I’ll be following. Good luck!
It's okay I was only marginally hopeful it would be possible ... lol
I usually let them out in the afternoons ... they don't tend to lay at that time of the day but I suppose it's possible they'd need to access their boxes occasionally. I guess I didn't think that one all the way through. Sadly, when we built our coop we were planning to just free range them and not really add too many chickens to the flock, so we didn't plan for adding on. There's a rabbit barn to the left and a shed to the right, a garage directly in front and an oak grove behind. So no room to put the tractor adjacent to the coop, but I could build a "chunnel" (LOL) to a spot that's a little closer, it has shade but it's not irrigated. It would be easy enough to get water out to that spot though.

I admit that my motivation for wanting them in the front yard is because that's where I like to sit for an hour or two in the evenings, and I love to listen to them scratch around and make chicken noises. But I guess that's kinda low on the list of priorities.
I love to watch my chickens too! when we want them out front we set up a collapsible wire enclosure and just take three at a time. Haven't done it in a while. But we live in a neighborhood and they're close to my house out back so it's easier to just go out back to chill.
Oh maybe you need a hammock near the chooks' coop🤔

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