Is it normal for pullet to chirp?


Jun 25, 2020
Southeast Asia, Bangkok, Thailand
So I got my brahma hen today and whenever I get near them, they will start chirping like a little chick but it's sound kinda crack a little bit. Is it normal? They are around 4 months old and today is their first day here.


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I would say yes, they are still young and the age where their voice is changing - transitioning from chick chirping to more "adult" sounds.

If you want, get a video of them making the sounds, we'll take a listen :)
Upload video to youtube and provide a link.
Thank for the reply! Here is the video. They are in a quarantine stage so they have to stay in this not-so-big place for a while.😅

Thank for the reply! Here is the video. They are in a quarantine stage so they have to stay in this not-so-big place for a while.😅

Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to record the sounds coming from your young chickens.

AFter careful and detailed analysis, and please take a seat and get comfortable, I do not want you to fall and hurt yourself after I break this news to you...

..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Sounds like they are chickens. :thumbsup

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