Is it bad not to use a heating lamp?

Sep 22, 2020
Texas United States
I got some babies on the 9th and brought them inside to their brooder with water and feed. But I never thought about putting in a heat lamp. I have had them for about 2 weeks now and I was wondering if it affected them in any way?I have alway wrapped a blanket on top of the broader and always had shavings inside and all of them seem to be healthy im just making sure it's ok.
I it hot where you live? I'm shocked that they've lasted two whole weeks. Generally, the answer is YES, use a heat source. I'd rather use a heat plate over a heat lamp, but yes. Heat source is good!
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I got some babies on the 9th and brought them inside to their brooder with water and feed. But I never thought about putting in a heat lamp. I have had them for about 2 weeks now and I was wondering if it affected them in any way?I have alway wrapped a blanket on top of the broader and always had shavings inside and all of them seem to be healthy im just making sure it's ok.
How old were they?

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It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
I it hot where you live? I'm shocked that they've lasted two whole weeks. Generally, the answer is YES, use a heat source. I prefer a heat plate over a heat lamp, but yes. Heat source is good!
You do? How many chicks have you raised?
You do? How many chicks have you raised?
I'll reword that post. "I'd rather use" a heat plate over a heat lamp. It simulates a mother hen, is easily adjustable, less likely to cause fires, helps the chicks feather out more quickly, and keeps the chicks on a natural day/night cycle.
And they will be 2 weeks on Wednesday.
Interesting! Chicks are extremely sensitive when dealing with temperature, good for you that they made it this long without a heat lamp. The older they get the less heat they will need so I can only imagine you wouldn’t really need a heat lamp/plate at this point since they are so used to being without one.

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