Involuntary wing twitching (Female Duck)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
Hi All,

I have 6 Khaki Campbell ducks (3 boys 3 girls) one of the female ducks has recently showed signs of a involuntary wing twitch - A couple of the other girls did it for a while but they were outside ducks - not part of the original hatch and just seemed nervous. Now it seems as if the other female is doing this a lot and she has always been top of the brood - it maybe she has dropped down the pecking order, but it is also out of character for her, Is this normal or a deficiency of some kind? Does anyone have any ideas?


The video above kinda shows the twitch, she has just got out of the pool after a swim and is cleaning but you should get the idea!
That's a completely normal part of them drying themselves off. When it's hot in the summer some ducks will do that with their wings to cool off a bit. No worries! :)
Wobbles does that a lot too, but when he's dry. I just chalked it up to the fact that his wing feathers are still coming in, but I'm not too sure. The avian specialist we took him to admitted it was weird, but it seems harmless.
My khaki Campbell duck is two weeks old and is eating and drinking fine, and has good bowel movement but his head twitches and sometimes he falls over. He walks fine, but is always very tired. Is it the breed? Or is he sick?
My khaki Campbell duck is two weeks old and is eating and drinking fine, and has good bowel movement but his head twitches and sometimes he falls over. He walks fine, but is always very tired. Is it the breed? Or is he sick?

No its not a breed thing....
always tired? Is he ever active?
What are you feeding? Are you adding niacin?
I'm feeding him duckling starter 20%. This is my first time with ducklings. I don't know what niacin is. He runs around sometimes, but not as much as our rouen ducks. Sorry for all the questions but should I get another khaki Campbell, because he is our only one of them that's not a rouen.
I'm feeding him duckling starter 20%. This is my first time with ducklings. I don't know what niacin is. He runs around sometimes, but not as much as our rouen ducks. Sorry for all the questions but should I get another khaki Campbell, because he is our only one of them that's not a rouen.

No its okay to raise him with other breeds of ducks. I mean you can get more if you want but he doesnt "need" his same breed . They will still get along good.
Ducklings need xtra niacin to help with growth, and can have leg troubles without it.
But if your feeding a specific duck food it should already have the proper amount needed.
Most of us are unable to find duck specific feed, and have to feed an all flock feed and then add niacin.
But yours is probably good.
Ducklings grow fast and leg troubles are common.
So if it seems like yours doesnt want to use its legs, then i would prob supplement with some niacin anyway to see if it helps.
I add nutritional yeast - 1 tblsp per cup of feed
Keep an eye on him tho.
Ducklings do a lot of laying around but if its more than the other ducklings there could be a problem.
What temperature do you have their brooder at?
Sometimes if too warm or too cold they may be less active.
If cold- sleeping with feet tucked in. Trying to sleep by someone or something else to stay warm. May try to tuck head under wing(even tho there isnt much to tuck his face in at a week old)
Too hot- legs stretched out... panting ( open beak breathing) wings spread out.
Also make sure you have a deep enough water source they can clear out their noses, and dunk their whole head. The need to be able to do this regularly.
Thank you, but we had to put him down, it turned out he had a muscle disorder. It was the best thing for him since he stopped eating. I really appreciate your advice.

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