

In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
Well I got my first chickens when I was 12 when my parents got 20 from tractor supply. Then they casually mentioned to my grandpa about getting some more and he shows up with 120 he got for free from his neighbor. Now that was an experience. I moved to Florida when I was 16 and got chickens again later at tractor supply. I was unlucky and ended up with 8 roosters and 2 hens. I sold those when I moved back up to Ohio and got married. I built a big coop and started again. Now I have 12 hens and 1 Rooster with 2 guinea alarms. My hens are 1 Rhode Island Red, 2 barred rocks, 2 black sex link, 2 Columbian wyandottes, 2 calico princess, 1 buff brahma and 1 light brahma, and finally 1 blue copper maran. My rooster is also a blue copper maran. My favorite thing about my flock is just watching them and their daily shenanigans. My main hobby is exotic animal keeping but I also like fishing. My other animals are a python, leopard gecko, 8 tarantulas, 2 axolotls, Asian water monitor, 3 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 rabbits. I found this forum from Google and always looking up my questions and clicking on the questions asked here. I figured it's about time I joined in so I could ask the questions I couldn't find the answers to and share my journey with y'all.
Grandpa didn't fool around, did he? 120 chickens!!

Sounds like you have a lovely flock of mixed colors and dispositions. I have some of the same breeds and just added two Calico Princesses to the flock last spring. I didn't know much about them at the time, but they are calm, good layers and absolutely beautiful birds. Hope yours are, too.

Welcome to BYC, to you and all your critters!

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