Introducing chicks


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Sullivan Missouri
I will try and make this to the point. I had 7 chicks I hatched at Easter, when we put them outside, they were all killed by coons. We found the problem and fixed the coop and yard. I started hatching more eggs in the meantime people kept giving me chickens after hearing my loss. One guy gave me 3 hens and another guy gave me his one and only hen(the rest had been killed) and he was getting out of the chicken business. To make a long story short, the 3 hens, did not like the 1 hen, they went after her till her foot was bleeding. I separated her, tried reintroducing at night while on roost, everything and nothing worked. So I made and area just for her. Ok so now fast forward, I have 12 babies that have hatched. I want to try and put them with the single hen. I know she will peck at them some, but will she, or could she kill them? I really want her to become part of a flock. She has never been an aggressive hen, just a very scared kinda timid. But I also dont want to subject my babies to being injured or even killed.....HELP!
I wouldn't put small chicks in with an adult hen. Is there a way you can keep them separated until they're closer to her size? In regards to introducing her to the other three - have you tried having them in side by side pens for awhile (days or weeks) so they could get used to seeing and being near each other? I haven't done that personally, but have read that it can be a successful way to introduce them.
Yes I tried for a cpl weeks, but still the same. But it has been awhile and I have noticed that they(the 3 meanies) dont charge the fence at her like they used to, and she doesnt RUN at the site of She has never been allowed to free range like the other 3. I was afraid they would run her off. We live in the middle of 175 acres, pretty much surrounded by woods. I know she was already pretty freaked out when I got her, her whole flock had been killed, then she was brought to a place she didnt know, and with 3 hens who didnt like her. Poor thing! I was hoping somehow she could be put with these as they were growing and would flock up with them.

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