Introducing a single chicken?? Please Help

TigerLilly, I actually posted this in a different section but I wasn't getting responses so I put it here. I did get your responce, thank you!
Ok, so this is my setup right now. I have a large dog kennel attached to a dogpen (the dog kennels door is closed). My RS hens are all in the dog kennel (and unhappy about it), and the my White Leghorn and the Black Stars are in the dog pen. They're doing great together so far! When I brought the Black Stars treats (they are extremally freindly, and will sit in your lap and peck your hand for treats), my White Leghorn began eating out of my hand too!
. The Black Stars are being very freindly to the WL, and my WL is being freindly to the them! So I think we're going to put the Black Stars and the WL together at night, and lock the RS together in the nest box (reverse reverse!) at night. During the day, we're going to keep the Black Stars and WL together, until the Black Stars are big enough to be in the sideyard, and then they'll all be able to stick up for themselves (hopefully).

Thanks so much for the advice!


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