Intro from Montana


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
Hello, everyone! I’m new here, but have been lurking without an account for a couple months. New chicken and duck owner as of March (all were a week old or less then). We have six ducks and ten chickens. 3 Barred Rock, 3 Sapphire Gems, 4 Light Brahmas, 1 Cayuga, 1 Rouen, 2 Black Runners, 1 Pekin, 1 Swedish Blue. So far, loving all of them, chickens are a breeze compared the messy of the ducks. They are still stuck in the coop, it’s been chilly outside (in Montana) and we just got the run done today. I have them separated still but have been integrating them when I’m cleaning and feeding twice a day. My family and I have started a big garden last year and are adding more this year, should be an interesting endeavor. Husband and I have a 10-year-old and two 2.5-year-olds. Currently trying to figure out how to keep our coop a little drier for all of them and when to cull our males (we are wanting eggs and some meat). Any thoughts about the coop (nipple waterers inside and pool outside?) to keep our chickens from being in slop constantly. Thanks, and nice meeting everyone!
Howdy, :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Happy :ya to have you here with us. Enjoy your time here at BYC!

Glad you decided to de-lurk!

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
Hiya, and welcome to BYC!! :frow

We beat the humidity problem by using a 5-gallon nipple bucket for water. We heat our coop in the winter to 40F or so to keep it thawed. It lasts 20 silkies about a month. We put RV water freshener in it to keep the slime out.

We also use horse bedding pellets on the floor. About 3" of those last all year long until spring when we use a grain scoop and wheelbarrow them to our garden, around trees, etc. They are 100% pine pellets and extremely absorbent. Those you can get at any farm store and run around $8 for 40#. We use about 3 bags on a 60-square-foot coop.

We also use the nipples for other waterers. Here's one we made from an unused Tupperware container. These are the same ones in our 5-gallon bucket in the coop. We got them and verticle ones for the chicks on Amazon.

Brooder 2.jpg

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