International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

I recently asked for a critique of my #1 pick. Here are the photos and Chooks Man's comments.

I had a look at your cockerels . here what I see; Cock 1 = is almost faultless is a keeper for sure Head = solid and pretty comb = nice size and texture .free from sprig and coronation . wattle = medium well formed Eyes = pretty orange Ears tufts = nice color Beak = solid nicely curved and nice horn color . Neck = solid well curve at the head level .lush with nice copper.( I can no see any flame need close up photos of his hackle) Body type = Great back = long ,wide and tilted well colored nice copper Lancet = long lush and well colored. Chest = wide ,nice black with a coppery spot ( Excellent ). Wing = well tucked in . nice black shiny wing bow and wing triangle. Tail = a little long but nice shape and form well angled . well put together from the rear Shanks = nice color not to dark .some pink toes and rear. Feet = enough feathers. strait and solid. well spaced . he s going a be a great breeder and Show quality bird. I don't want you to think I posted this because he said nice things about my cockerel. Honestly I was on the fence about this cockerel because I have never seen a good BCM Rooster in person. It really helped me. Some of the things I thought were not good were and vice versa. The second cockerel is in another post.
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Hi RedBank. thank you for starting this thread .

I want to make some thing clear at first. we discus the French standard( original) here .we have nothing to do with other SOP belong to other country. they deviate from the original .that a problem .every country try to breed marans to there taste . NOT good for the uniformity of the breed.
Same what the English did .they took the marans and breed t with out feathered leg .WHAT they trying to prove .the MARANS ARE FRENCH CHOOKS. and they are going to stay that way.

for me there is only one standard and the Only standard .THE FRENCH MARANS STANDARD .from the FRENCH MARANS CLUB DE FRANCE the rest are copies .I m not interested on them .they can breed what ever they like .not my business .they can do what ever they want with they chooks.

one breed .one standard .doesn t matter what country.

chooks man
She did it she did it:wee
Finally my very first Pullet Marans egg!!
Not the darkest one I have seen but still nice to have my very own!!

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