Integration Transition advice


Free Ranging
15 Years
Jun 7, 2009
Brightwood, OR
My Coop
My Coop
I've been doing a slow integration between 3 laying 6mo old Hens and 2 pullets 12weeks. Thankfully I have chain link run pieces that I used to split my run in half. I used an old greenhouse for the newbies so I have 2 complete coop/run set ups. So the see no touch period was about 3 weeks. Then after the layers lay eggs and I let them out to range (2acres,) for the rest of the day, I also open up a smallish opening for the littles to have full run of both runs and they can free range.

It's going really well this way. The littles decided to start roosting in the big's house instead of theirs about 4 nights ago. But I have 2 questions/concerns... When the little's start out on a roost bar and then when they get pecked they get into a nest box and sleep there instead of just going to a lower bar (there is plenty of roost space to be able to stay away from bigs's.) So question 1) should I just let that happen and wait for them to quit taking up refuge in the nest box - ? and 2) because I lock feed up at night, in the morning I've been putting a feeder in each run and not having them eat together because that is still a rough time. Is that bad, should I just force eating in the same area? I've noticed one of the big's really wanting into the littles side to get their feed instead of going to her own feeder. Ahhhh chicken psychology, it's quite the science. Any advice is very much appreciated. I can also post pics... :confused::)
I would block off the nest boxes at night so the littles don't get in the habit of sleeping in there (on floor is fine, if that's the other option).

My littles will actually use the lower roost if they have to, as the gap between the roost bars is enough to prevent the hens from reaching them there.

No reason to force them to eat together. I have 3 feed locations for 7 birds, which makes it harder for the hens to guard any one spots, so everyone gets to eat first thing in the morning.
I would block off the nest boxes at night so the littles don't get in the habit of sleeping in there (on floor is fine, if that's the other option).

My littles will actually use the lower roost if they have to, as the gap between the roost bars is enough to prevent the hens from reaching them there.

No reason to force them to eat together. I have 3 feed locations for 7 birds, which makes it harder for the hens to guard any one spots, so everyone gets to eat first thing in the morning.
Really appreciate the advice !! It's such a relief to see it going in the right direction but I'm not rushing them! I'll add another feed station too!
Sounds like great progression and management to me.
I'd definitely close off the nests to make them 'unsleepable'.

When I am integrating I cover nests about an hour before roost time,
then uncover after dark when locking up and doing head count.
Rigged a hinged cover that's 'permanent', then it's always there when I need it.

Sounds like great progression and management to me.
I'd definitely close off the nests to make them 'unsleepable'.

When I am integrating I cover nests about an hour before roost time,
then uncover after dark when locking up and doing head count.
Rigged a hinged cover that's 'permanent', then it's always there when I need it.

Smart!!! I was wondering how I'd get the boxes opened up for the super early laying. There you go! I'm going to try today to duplicate what you've done. Thank you SO MUCH for the pics!!

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