Integration, bullying Roo


Apr 16, 2022
East Tennessee
Merry Christmas! I have 3 five month old pullets I would like to integrate into my flock of four hens and one Roo (all approx 16 months old). The pullets have been visible to the others for about 3 months in their own little coop and run. They also Appear to be about the same size as the older hens.
My older ones are allowed into a pen under supervision where they can be closer to the babies. The girls seem pretty indifferent to them at this point, but my rooster likes to chase them back and forth through the fence. He accidentally got into their enclosure last week and alternated between eating their food and chasing and biting them.I am very concerned that if I put them in the big coop he would hurt them.
Being a fairly new chicken keeper I cannot determine whether this is sexual attention or bullying but it seems more aggressive to me. This rooster has always been very laid back but vigilant when watching over the girls And pretty gentle with them. He is very calm with me and is easily handled.
Am I going to have to separate him in order to integrate the girls?

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