Integrating pullets, how to feed??


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2021
I am planning on removing the dog crate within four run, and fully integrating our 13wk pullets with our layers very soon. My only unknown is, how do I manage the food? I’ve read that layer feed isn’t good for pullets until at least 18 weeks, so do I do a 50/50 combo of starter crumbles, and layer pellets, only starter crumbles for all of them, or is it okay for them to have just the layer pellets?
Thanks in advance.
Easiest to just put everyone on the same thing the youngest are eating, with oyster shell on the side for layers. The layers are likely to prefer grower/starter as well as it usually has higher protein.
I feed everyone a flock raiser with oyster shell in a seperate dish when integration is going on.

That said if you offer both they seem to be able to choose what they need.

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